"Dawn?" Scott whispered, "You're aggravating a room full of really pissed-off biker vampires. You may not want to do that."

"Enough small talk," Dawn growled as she glared at Bill, "Where's Marty?"

"Now, now, young lady," Bill said, "I told you, we aren't going to tell you a god damn thing. However, since you decided to crash our hangout, I don't want to appear ungracious. So, I'll just step aside, and let my boys here rip you to shreds. Such a waste, what lovely shreds they are."

"Uh, Scott? I thought we were going to have backup. Where's our backup?"

"Oh, I'm sure she's taking her sweet time."

It seemed Scott was right. However, as the gang began to close in on them, the main door of the tavern swung open. Elizabeth strutted in and headed for the bar.

"There's our backup, Bill!" Scott said. "Elizabeth! The Pitbull of the Portland House! You don't want to mess with her!"

All eyes were on Elizabeth as she took a barstool and called to the bartender. "Bourbon. Neat."

"Uh, Elizabeth? What are you doing?"

"I'm having a drink. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Right now?"

"Why not?"

"I thought you were our backup!"

"I'm not. Enforcement has no interest in these guys." She then turned to the vampire bikers. "Hey, guys! Are you guys all registered?"

They nodded their heads.

"Okay then," Elizabeth concluded as she turned around and slammed the shot of bourbon. "Set me up again, barkeep!"

"Would you please excuse me?" Bill headed toward the bar and drew a seat next to Elizabeth. "So, Elizabeth, is it?"

"What?" She snapped as she downed another shot.

"I'll buy the next round. Mind if I buy the next round?"

"Well, I'm never one to turn down free booze, so sure. Hey barkeep, keep 'em coming!"

Bill nodded to the bartender as he poured another shot of Kentucky bourbon. "So, what are you doing here, Elizabeth? I mean, since it seems you're not interested in present company."

"My, you are the polite one!"

"Hey, Elizabeth," Scott said, "We're questioning the guy, not flirting with him!"

"Shut up, Scott," She growled, "No, I'm just here for the entertainment. Which," she glanced down at her watch, "Is just about to amp up a bit."

Her timing was frighteningly precise as the plate glass window at the front of the bar was shattered by a black Indian Chief Motorcycle as it came crashing through at speed, sending shards of glass flying through the air, knocking over chairs and tables and then skidding to a stop. Jeremiah tossed aside his helmet and immediately deployed his fangs.

"I am Jeremiah! I have lived for over two thousand years and have slain both mortals and immortals by the thousands, and you shall fall before me!"

"Hey Jeremiah," Elizabeth said, "You know, there is a front door here."

"Now that was impressive," Bill said as he clapped his hands, "Bravo. And now we have a veritable who's-who list of local vampire celebrities: Scott Campbell, Elizabeth, and Jeremiah. And Dawn Rhinebeck, notable vampire slayer. Wow. This really is an honor. No, it's a privilege, which is really too bad, because now, we're gonna have to kill you."

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