Chapter Fourteen

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I love that everybody seems to love Todd, he is my personal favourite in this fic.


"Miss Bush."

Glancing up, from the paper that she had been blankly staring at for the last twenty minutes Lachlan gave the little girl in front of her a warm smile and nodded, letting her know that she'd heard her. She had been lost in a whirl of thoughts about what to do with her life, where it was going and what she would have to eventually break down and tell Savannah.

Not that she wanted to tell her best friend, that she could no longer be a surrogate mother for her. But that the reason for that was because she'd slept with the other woman's husband. To most, that wouldn't have been a problem, maybe even a major help. Either way, Lachlan just didn't feel right about the situation anymore. She wanted away from Jack and the only way to insure that was to back out now.

On top of that, Evan hadn't been making her life the easiest. Why did he have to turn out to be an ass too? Lachlan had thought he would be different, Evan had seemed to have good intentions and then out of nowhere, he turned. Maybe she was wrong for turning Rian down, but what did she have to lose? Chances were, he'd have turned out just like the other two.

Lachlan had decided that men were nothing but trouble. Big trouble!

"Miss Bush." the little girl repeated, this time a little more forceful

"Yes Emma?" Lachlan asked

"All of the other classes have gone, can we go too? I don't want to miss my bus." Emma replied a nervous look on her face

Lachlan stole a glance at the clock on the wall, the little girl was right. It was time for the class to leave and go catch their buses, or meet their parents to go home. Standing up, Lachlan opened the door and gave the room a smile.

"Alright class, you can leave now. I'm sorry, I lost track of time." Lachlan ushered them out the door.

She was ready to go home, by the time the day was over. Lachlan had never been happier to see her old Volvo in the parking lot, than what she was today. All she wanted to do was go home and find something to eat, then soak in a hot bubble bath until she looked like a prune.

No one had said life was easy. Lachlan would agree to that statement. Life in the last little while just seemed to be getting harder and harder.

Stepping off of the elevator on her floor, Lachlan turned the corner coming face to face with an upset looking Savannah. Giving her friend a wide smile, Lachlan set her bag down and unlocked the door. This was a surprise she hadn't been expecting.

"Come in?"

Without a word Savannah followed Lachlan into her apartment. The two stood in an awkward silence, before Lachlan offered Savannah something to drink. It was quite clear that Savannah was upset with something; Lachland just wasn't sure how to ask what the problem was.

"How could you?" Savannah finally spoke

"How could I what?" Lachlan asked, turning away from her cupboard to face her friend.

"Don't act dumb with me, Lachlan Bush." Savannah seethed. "How could you do that to me?"

"Do what exactly?" Lachlan shrugged

"He's my husband god damn it!" Savannah raised her voice. "Of course, that doesn't matter to some people."

Lachlan paused. How did Savannah find out?

"Van, please before you get upset." Lachlan started

"Before I get upset? I'm beyond that point! He's a married man, how could you do that to me? How could you have sex with my husband?"

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