Chapter Eight

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what's this? another guy? *gasp*


"So, care to tell me why my husband was at your house last night."

"Well, Sandra." Lachlan sighed, as she glanced up from the newspaper she was reading, to look the other woman in the eye. "I had a bit of a problem, where I needed some help, but didn't want to involve the police. Involve them, involve them, anyway."

The middle aged blond nodded and took a seat across the table from where Lachlan was sitting. Reaching for a section of the newspaper that Lachlan had sat down; she kept her eyes on the younger woman.

"Yes?" Lachlan asked, not bothering to look up, she knew Sandra was watching her anyway.

"So, you didn't want to involve the police, that's why you called Marty?"

"He's a cop, and he's said that if I ever needed help to call him. Look, I know this goes against a lot of rules and I know, he could get in trouble for it. Had I really called the cops, I might not be sitting here this morning." Lachlan shrugged

"Lachlan, what's going on? You know, my husband would tell me nothing. Are things ok?" Sandra questioned

"Oh, they're fine. It's not the way it sounds, had I called the cops then I could have gotten into trouble and possibly lost several people their jobs." Lachlan replied, folding the worn news paper up.

It was better she call Marty, and let him deal with Jack, by giving him a warning. In reality, it had worked. Jack had backed off, without saying another word to Lachlan, and Lachlan avoided finding her name in the morning newspaper for having Jack Barakat arrested. All she wanted was to scare him a bit, to prove to him she wasn't scared to take action, when needed.

Now all she had to worry about was Savannah calling her and yelling at her, because she'd called the cops. What was she thinking? Savannah would never find out, like everything else he did, Jack would hide this from his wife as well. How he hid things and never got caught, made Lachlan really think. Maybe, with luck, everything would catch up with him and some day, it would all let go in his face.

Pushing her chair away from the small table, in the teacher's lounge Lachlan grabbed her bag and gave Sandra a small smile before leaving the room. She wanted to get this day over with, everything about the day, she wanted it done with.

Heading down the hall, toward her class room, Lachlan sighed and pasted a smile on her face. No matter what her mood may be, she knew it had to change before the stepped into the class room that was the one thing about working with children. They always seemed to pick up when something wasn't right, when you had a room full of roughly twenty some children, they picked up on things even faster.

Lachlan sighed and pushed a stray strand of hair that has escaped from her pony tail out of her face. Glancing at her watch, she took note that she still had at least forty five minutes before her students would even start to arrive at the school. She had once decided that the worst part of teaching was the early mornings, if it weren't for the early mornings Lachlan was convinced it would be the best job in the world. What was better than giving young children an education, after all they were the future.

"Lachlan." she heard her name coming from behind her

Turning on her heel, Lachlan gave the other teacher who was calling her name a wide smile. "Yes?"

"You're wanted in the office, for just a moment."

"Office?" Lachlan raised her brow, a bit of panic started to set in.

She hated having to be drug into the office it was funny really during all of her years in school, as a student, she never once ended up in the Principal's office. Once she became a teacher, it seemed that she ended up there about twice a week.

Lachlan rolled her eyes and headed back down the hall, in the direction from which she had just came. Her heels made a soft clicking sound on the polished floors of the hall way. Running her hands down the front of her skirt, to make sure she looked presentable; Lachlan squared her shoulders and pushed the heavy wooden door open. On the other side of the door, she was greeted by the muffled sound of voices.

One voice she connected to the Principal, he wasn't much of a man in Lachlan's mind. Dylan Forham was a bit spleeny, and was easily pushed around by others. Maybe that's what made him a good elementary school principal, because his job at the high school sure hadn't worked out. Lachlan cleared her throat, to let him know she was present.

"Miss Bush, nice of you to join us." the middle aged man beamed as she stepped into the office

"Mr. Forham." she gave him a small nod. "I was told you wanted to speak to me."

"Yes, yes. It'll only take a second then you can get back to class." Mr. Forham turned to the man, sitting in the chair across from the wooden desk. "Miss Bush hates being late for her class."

The other man only nodded, in reply.

"Well, the less time I waste being late. The more they learn." Lachlan shrugged

"See, this is why I told you, Miss Bush is one of our best teachers." Dylan pointed at her. "We'd be lost without her."

Feeling herself blush, Lachlan fought back a squeal of delight. Never had anyone referred to her, as one of the best teachers in the school. Granted, she did give her job everything she had, and she was one of the first to arrive and the last to go home. The children in her class seemed to like her and the parents adored her, but never had her name and best teacher been put in the same sentence.

"Dedication." Lachlan replied with a small smile

"So, what I wanted you for, Miss Bush." Mr. Forham clapped his thin hands together. "Is because, I'd appreciate it if you maybe could take some time and help Mr. Dawson, by letting him know what supplies would and wouldn't benefit a second grade class."

"Supplies?" Lachlan questioned.

"My charity I work for, donates supplies to certain schools every few months. We've been giving to this school for a few months now, every so often we pick a random grade and give one of the classes an entire new shipment of supplies." the stranger explained

"And your class, is the one picked."

"You mean to say, you're giving my class new school supplies?" Lachlan felt like laughing.

With a soft sigh, Lachlan shook her head.

"Wow." was all she could think to say.

Her class had been in desperate need of some new supplies, but Lachlan hadn't had the time to get out and buy any of it yet. This certainly was going to save her some time and money. First Dylan had told the man, she was one of the school's best teachers, and now someone was offering to do something nice for her, to benefit her job. Maybe this would end up being a good day, after all... Providing, she didn't make a complete fool of herself at dinner.

Dinner had been something Lachlan had almost forgotten. It was Friday; she was supposed to be having dinner with Evan this evening. Something told her, she'd remembered it, up until she was told she had to be in the office.

"If you don't mind, I could drop the supplies off this afternoon. After school."

"That would be per..." Mr. Forham stopped seeing Lachlan's reaction

"Mr..." she trailed off, trying to remember the man's name.

"Dawson." he smiled, wow he had the most gorgeous smile.

"Mr. Dawson, I'm thrilled that my class got chosen. Really, I appreciate this, so very much. My class will love it, I mean they're children, they love new stuff." Lachlan laughed nervously. "I just, this afternoon might not be a good time. If maybe Monday afternoon would be better?" Eyeing Dylan curiously, she bit her bottom lip. "Would that be a problem, Mr. Forham?"

"I don't see why not." Mr, Forham shook his head. "As long as it can be done."

"Oh, I think we can make it work."

Lachlan smiled, hearing the replies she got from the two men.

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