Chapter Twelve

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Enjoy :-)


Lachlan had spent most of her weekend, trying to figure out a nice way to get out of dinner with Rian on Monday. Todd had suggested telling him that she'd came down with the twenty four hour flu, and was unable to go. Not wanting to lie, Lachlan pushed that idea aside and tried to find something else to tell him. He seemed like someone who would understand, hopefully he wouldn't put up much of a fuss and just accept the fact she couldn't go.

It wasn't as if she didn't want to go, because she did. If she went, it wasn't being fair to Evan. Then again, it wasn't as if they were exclusive, or anything. They had gone together to dinner, it had been a onetime thing and Lachlan was sure that made her open to dinner with other people as well.

She'd tried the phone number that Rian had left with her, several times but never seemed to be able to catch him. Instead of telling him in a voice mail, she had just hung up the phone. She was going to do this the right way. None of this leaving a message, hoping that the other person would understand.

"Hey, Kirkendall." Jack called, jogging to catch up with the sound guy

Turning around, Evan nodded, indicating that he'd heard Jack yelling his name. Slowing his pace, Evan gave Jack a chance to fall into step with him as the two headed down the hall of the venue.

"Hey man, what's up?" Evan asked

"So, I hear you've been seeing Lachlan." Jack smirked, his hair falling in his eyes

Evan nodded. "We had dinner, that's about it."

"Is it serious, or just fuck friends?"

"Really, it's neither. We're friends, we went out for dinner. What does it matter to you?" Evan asked, narrowing his eyes and folding his arms over his chest.

"It doesn't, but she's my wife's friend. I just want to make sure; you're treating her right that's all. You know, Lachlan can be a bit of a handful sometimes. With her issues and everything, she..." Jack shrugged

"Issues?" Evan raised his brow

Lachlan didn't seem to have any "issues". She seemed to be pretty functional; no signs of anything major happening in her life. Maybe there was a bit of stress, but she taught a room full of children all day long. Like any job, there was bound to be stress.

"You didn't know?" Jack frowned

Evan shook his head. "Know what? I mean, we had dinner together. It's not like I'm going to ask her to marry me."

"Oh, so you're alright with the fact she has an addiction?" Jack nodded. "Well, whatever love makes you feel, right."

Addiction? Evan didn't know anything about an addiction. Lachlan had never said anything, but did addicts ever say anything about their problem? Shifting his weight from one foot to the other he sighed.

"What's going on, Jack?"

"Lachlan just got out of rehab, not long ago." Jack lied. "She was in for drugs. Lachlan is a pretty big user. Look man, I know it's kind of fucked up to think about, but I just thought you should know."

"Uh, yeah whatever." Evan muttered.

"Yeah, man Rian was beside himself. He didn't know either." Jack focused on the ground

"Rian? Why would he care?" Evan asked, feeling like he'd just missed something completely

"Shit!" Jack smacked his hand on his forehead. "You didn't know, that either? She's been sleeping with Rian. Yeah, she fucked around for money. She uses the men, to get her drugs."

"Right." Evan nodded.

"Don't say anything though because Van doesn't like people knowing. She's been trying to help Lachlan out, but she doesn't want it. So Vannah's been pretty upset about it. Lachlan had been through a few jobs, and finally she got the one she has. So Vannah has been looking after her, to make sure she doesn't lose this one too." Jack gave Evan a sympathetic look

"Yeah, I won't say anything." Evan agreed. "I have to get going, but I'll see you around."

Leaving Jack standing there, Evan took off to find a quiet place. Why hadn't Lachlan told him this shit? Why would she? If she wanted to use him, then why hadn't she already? She had plenty of chances to use Evan, but never took them. Maybe it was because she'd been using Rian and didn't need Evan right yet.

Finding a quiet spot, Evan pulled out his cell phone and found the number he had been waiting to call. Dialing the number, he waited as the phone began to ring. What did he say? He couldn't just come out and accuse her could he?"

"Hello?" Lachlan answered her phone

"Why didn't you tell me, you needed help? Fuck, Lachlan, I would have helped you." Evan replied

"Help?" Lachlan laughed. What was he talking about?

Taking a seat at her small kitchen table, she gently traced the patter of the wood with her finger. Had Evan lost his mind? Why would she need help?

"If you need a job, I can get you one. You won't have to worry about losing it. Maybe, you could work for us and then I could help you with rehab." Evan went on. "Jack told me about the problem. I just want you to know, that I'm here if you need me."

"Problem? Rehab? Job? What the fuck, are you talking about?" Lachlan snapped

"Jack said, you had a drug problem. I know you must be in denial for it, but I want to help you. I think you're a great person and if you could stay clean maybe, you could turn your life around." Evan continued

"Alright, hold it!" Lachlan shouted. "Jack, told you that I have a drug problem?"

"He told me everything. About the drugs, about you using Rian."

"Rian." Lachlan laughed. "Rian, dropped off some supplies for my class, because we were picked for something. Rian, is the reason I'm busy Monday. He asked me out to dinner. I'm not using him and I don't have a god damn drug problem!"

"Denial, the first step is admitting." Evan sighed

"I'm not in denial! I don't have a drug problem. Do you want to know why, Jack told you that shit?" Lachlan asked

"Sure?" it sounded more like a question then anything.

"Evan, I don't have a drug problem. I'm not using Rian, in fact I was thinking about telling him, I can't go to dinner. When you called the other night, I decided it wasn't fair to you if I went out to dinner with someone else."

"Why would Jack tell me that shit?"

"Because." Lahclan sighed. "I uh, I slept with him. Not too long ago. I was out and he and I had a one night stand. The next day, I found out he was Savannah's husband. I had never met her husband, so I had no idea Jack was married to her, or that he was even married."

"You slept, with Jack?" Evan sounded completely disgusted

"I didn't know who he was. I just thought he was some random, charming guy. So, I slept with him yes. We had sex, big deal. Well, it's a big deal now but it wasn't as the time." Lachlan defended

"You're not a drug addict? And you're not using Rian Dawson?" Evan asked

"I'm not doing either." Lachlan replied, feeling a little hopeful that Evan would understand.

"But you slept with a married man?"

"And I'm not proud of it." Lachlan sighed

"So, instead of the other things. You're a home wrecker."

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