Chapter Six

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can we call Lachlan and Evan Levan?


"Evan?" Savannah chuckled

"Why are you laughing? What's wrong with Evan?" Lachlan questioned, feeling a little uneasy about her decision now.

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with Evan." Savannah replied. "He's just well...he's just Evan."

Tuesday evening, Lachlan had received a phone call, from Evan telling her that he'd be by on Friday evening to take her for dinner. Wednesday Savannah had called, to ask Lachlan about lunch, saying the two had to talk. That's when Lachlan had taken the chance to ask about Evan, to see what Savannah knew.

So far, Lachlan wasn't sure she liked Savannah's reaction.

"What does that mean, he's just Evan?" Lachlan stressed her words

Savannah sighed on the other end of the line. "Don't take it the wrong way, Evan is a really nice guy. He's just...not your type."

Lachlan scoffed and rolled her eyes. And just how did Savannah know what her type was? Obviously the woman didn't know types, because from what Lachlan could tell, Savannah's own husband wasn't Savannah's type.

"Why do you want to go out with him anyway?" Savannah picked up her conversation

Because, he was the only person who seemed to even notice she was even around, that night at Alex's. Lachlan sighed. That and he seemed to damn adorable, and sweet, and that smile. That big goofy smile he had, it sealed the deal all on its own. Not to mention he'd been a complete doll.

"He seems like a really nice guy. You know, when he asked me to dinner, he was all bashful and shy. It was cute." Lachlan cooed

"Puppy dogs are cute. Bunnies are cute. Hugh Jackman is cute." Savannah replied. "Evan Kirkendall, is not cute. Evan Kirkendall, is obnoxious, over bearing, annoying, and he'll sleep with anything female that looks his way and smiles. He's a jerk."

Kind of like Jack...

Lachlan giggled to herself, Savannah had Evan mixed up with her own husband.

"I'll bet you're wrong." Lachlan challenged, she just couldn't believe Evan could be that way.

So what if he liked to sleep around, he was a single guy. He was allowed; at least Lachlan thought he was. It wasn't as if he were married, and trying to start a family, unlike some people she knew who liked to get in bed with anything female that smiled at him.

"Trust me, I've known Evan longer. Before the night's over, he'll try and get in your pants Lach."

"That's crazy, we're going to dinner, as two adults. Honestly, I think you guys have Evan pegged wrong. So what if he likes to get laid once in a while. He's human, we all have needs." Lachlan defended.

Why she was defending a guy she hardly knew, she wasn't quite sure. Something about him, told her that he was different than Savannah told her.

"Look, if you're just out to get laid. Please, Lach, go find someone other than Evan." Savannah sounded as if she were begging

"I'm not out to get laid!" Lachlan snipped. "He asked me to dinner, that's what I'm going out with him for. Dinner, you know food, drink. Maybe talk to one another. I'm not out to have sex with him. Even if I was, why are you so worried?"

"Because, word gets around in this group. I just don't want you, to be another notch in his bed post." Savannah snipped back

"No, you're worried that if I sleep with him. It'll get back that your surrogate had sex with Evan Kirkendall. God forbid the two of you look bad." Lachlan groaned. "Sorry." Lachlan muttered

She could hear Savannah sigh on the other end of the phone. "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have said that. I just, I know what you're like and I don't want you hurt by Evan Kirkendall."

"I appreciate the concern, but I'll be fine." Lachlan assured

"Look, Jack just came in. I have to go; I'll call Monday before we go out."

"Fine." Lachland muttered

Ending the call, Savannah flipped her cell phone onto the couch and closed her eyes, rubbing her temples. Lachlan just didn't get it, men like Evan Kirkendall, weren't like other men that she was used to.

"What's wrong, babe?" Jack asked, kissing her on the cheek

"Nothing." Savannah shook her head

"Who was on the phone?" Jack questioned, taking a seat next to her on the leather couch and stretched out.

"Lachlan." Savannah answered. "She's going out on Friday, to dinner."

"Oh oh." Jack tried to sound concerned. "Does this mean, she's found someone and doesn't want to do this anymore?"

He could hope...

"No, she's going to dinner with Evan. Apparently; he asked her the other night and she said yes."

"Evan? As in Kirkendall." Jack furrowed his brow. Savannah nodded. "Oh well, then."

The last thing he needed was Lachlan Bush hanging around anymore then what he needed her to. If she went to dinner with Evan, there was a good chance, Evan would ask for another date, the woman was hot as hell, why wouldn't he. Jack knew any man in their right mind would obviously want another date with that woman.

The problem was, if she got attached to Evan, then that meant there was a chance Evan would want her around all the time. If she were around all the time, it meant Jack just had to work harder to keep Savannah from finding out about his little affair. He'd wanted Lachlan gone, as soon as he could get her gone.

Oh this was not good, this was not good at all.

"I just don't want to see him, hurt her. She's easily crushed, Jack." Savannah voiced her concern

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