Chapter Eleven

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Yes, Jack is an asshole and yes I kind of enjoy him in that role haha. I am glad everybody else seems to enjoy him being one as well.


"You did what?" Todd all but yelled at Lachlan in disbelief

"Sorry." Lachlan squeaked

Rubbing his temples, Todd shook his head and sighed. He couldn't believe it, Lachlan Bush, the meekest, mildest, sweet and innocent woman he had ever met, had slept with a married man. Not only that, he was married to her best friend. This was just too insane to try and even begin to analyze it.

"Your friend's husband, oh sweetie. That is low." Todd gave her a pout. "Even if he is hot as hell."

"He's a jerk." Lachlan replied.

"I bet he wasn't a jerk, when you brought him home was he." Todd snickered

"Had I known he was even married, whether I knew his wife or not. I would have never brought him home." Lachlan quickly defended herself. "You know, that I am not that type of a person. I do not sleep with married men."

"No, no. I know that." Todd shook his head. "Hell Lach, you don't sleep with anybody."

Lachlan rolled her eyes and reached for the bottle of wine, which sat on her coffee table, pouring herself another glass she sighed.

"I just can't get over the fact; you even had a one night stand to begin with. It's mind boggling. Who are you, what have you done with Lachlan?" Todd laughed.

"If that's mind boggling, try this one. I had a date last week." Lachlan added

"What? No!"

Nodding, Lachlan smiled. "Yes, I did."

"Fill me in." Todd eagerly waved his hands in the air

Giving Todd every last detail, about her dinner with Evan; Lachlan shrugged and took a long sip of her wine. Evan, he was a nice guy, but obviously not someone she had been thinking about when she'd agreed to dinner with Rian. It wasn't as if they were serious, it had only been dinner.

"Oh, ok what's up?" Todd questioned, seeing the look of confusion on Lachlan's face

"Let's say you went out with someone, like once. Then said yes to going out with someone else, who possibly knew the first person you had that one date with. Should you tell the first person, or let them find out on their own, because really they're nothing to you, just someone you had dinner with."

"I'm lost." Todd admitted, and it wasn't often that happened

"I had dinner with Evan, today I was asked out again. By someone else. Should I tell Evan, or just go and say forget him, he'll find out eventually." Lachlan tried to explain herself better

Evan was a nice person; she didn't want to see him hurt. Then again, it was only dinner, the same went with Rian. She had agreed to dinner, that was it nothing else was going to happen, even if he wanted it to. Lachlan had promised herself, that it wouldn't go beyond dinner.

Even if he did have the nicest smile she'd ever seen. If it looked that good with the t-shirt and jeans, she kind of wondered what Rian would look like without. Mentally scolding herself, Lachlan groaned.

"What do, I do?"

"From what you've said, he's a nice person. Let him down gently. What's the worst that could happen?" Todd shrugged

"I think, well I know he knows this other guy." Lachlan bit her bottom lip. "I just don't want him, or anyone else getting the wrong idea."

"You're only young once, why not have some fun with it?" Todd shrugged, sitting his empty glass down. "Now, I know about Ethan..."

"Evan." Lachlan corrected

"Whatever, and Jack the Jackass. So tell me about this new guy. I want to know all about this stuff."

"Rian." Lachlan smiled. "Oh my god, Todd, you should see him! The man, is the poster child for gorgeous! He's too damn good looking."

"Probably a jerk, they always are." Todd scoffed

"I don't know, he seemed really nice. Maybe he's the type, who's to die for, but doesn't know it. I mean, it possible right?" Lachlan could hope

Todd only rolled his eyes in reply.

"Whatever, your opinion doesn't..." Lachlan was cut off by her cell phone

Before she could get to her phone, Todd had jumped up off the couch and already had it in his hand, checking the caller ID, he frowned and answered anyway. Lachlan was curious to know who it was, but knew better then to ask Todd for the phone, until he was done, even if it was her phone.

"Hey sexy." Todd answered with a huge smile

Lachlan waited, watching her neighbor. Silently she hoped it was somebody who knew Todd.

"Uh, hi." the timid voice replied. "I think, I might have the wrong phone number."

"Who are you looking for?" Todd questioned, giving Lachlan a wink

"Lach..Lachlan." the man on the other end cleared his throat

"Lachlan, yeah she's right here. Who's this?" Todd asked

"I'm Evan. Who is this?"

"Oh! Evan!" Todd exclaimed happily. "Oh, I've heard all about you."

"You have?" Evan seemed a little confused

"Mmm hmm, of course! Lach told me, all about you and your sexiness. Damn honey, from what I'm hearing I'd need a fire hose close, just to keep myself from overheating with you around." Todd snickered

"Um, alright." Evan's voice was quiet

"Don't be shy now, she's told me all about the wonderful things you can do in bed too. You know, if you're not busy later on. Maybe you and I could hook up for a while, you could show me just what you and your amazing talent can do."

Hearing what Todd was saying, Lachlan's eyes went wide and her mouth dropped. When Todd got through, she'd be lucky if Evan didn't hang up his phone and run away, never speaking to her again. Hiding her face in her hands, Lachlan whimpered.

"I...I..." Evan stammered

"Well? Aren't you going to set a date? I mean, good lord man, do not make me do all the work!" Todd scolded. "Or is it, that you're so good, you're just too busy to pencil me into that date book of yours?"

"Pencil you in, yeah." Evan laughed nervously. "Is Lachlan there?"

"Alright, you win this time, stud muffin. I'll let her have the phone."

Dejectedly handing Lachlan the phone, Todd shook his head.

"He ruined all my fun, he wants you."

"I'm sorry, Todd. Maybe, he's just not into the whole pitcher and catcher thing." Lachlan laughed, before turning her attention to Evan, on the phone. "I'm so sorry."

"It's...alright." Evan laughed; Lachlan could tell he was still a bit confused. "I was wondering if you're not busy, would you want to go out again on Monday?"

"Oh." Lachlan's voice was quiet. "I'd love to, but...I'm kind of busy, Monday."

"I understand."

Lachlan frowned, hearing the slight upset in his tone. "Hey, we can go out Tuesday. If you want, I'm not busy. I'd love to go out again, really I would."

"Tuesday, sure that's fine." Evan replied, sounding a bit happier.

Todd watched as Lachlan slipped out of the room and down the hall, her cell phone in hand and a huge grin on her face. In the few years he'd known Lachlan Bush, the woman never had a man, now all of a sudden she had them coming toward her in every direction. Something was bound to go wrong.

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