Chapter Two

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these are shorter chapters, I apologize, but I still hope you enjoy it.


Lachlan Bush hurried around her small apartment, in downtown Baltimore. Pulling on a simple black knee length skirt and white blouse, she checked her appearance for what had to be the fourth time, since she'd gotten dressed.

On a regular basis, her appearance meant nothing to her, as long as she had clothing on her ass when she walked out the door that was fine with her. Of course, being a second grade school teacher didn't make it easy to do just that every day of the week, only after school hours.

Her hair was swept back in a simple pony tail, to keep it out of her face and eyes. Nothing she hated more than her hair hanging in her face. It was just one of the simple things that annoyed her.

Checking her watch, Lachlan let out an exasperated sigh and quickly searched for her apartment keys, they had gotten tossed aside last night, when she'd brought home the handsome stranger, something that she would never think of herself doing.

Since her last boyfriend, a relationship of two years had ended Lachlan had found herself doing more and more things that she normally wouldn't do. Even during her college years, she had never brought home a one night stand. Which was more than could be said for her roommates, the other two women she had lived with seemed to have men in all the time.

Lachlan smiled, remembering the so called "good ol' days". Of course, that was then and this was now. Last she had heard, one of her roommates, Kelly, had taken off for California and had gotten married and divorced more times than cared to be counted. Savannah on the other hand, had finished college, stayed in Maryland and had gotten married about two years ago.

She knew nothing about her former roommate's husband. Only what Savannah had told her, which seemed to be vague. Lachlan knew that he was a nice guy, made a good living, and loved Savannah a lot.

Then why was she so damn nervous, to meet this man?

Savannah had called her a few months ago, asking Lachlan to do her and her husband a major favor. Being the friend she was Lachlan couldn't say no when Savannah had asked. Now, here she was, freaking out about the meeting Savannah had set up for Lachlan and her husband to finally meet one another.

With a deep breath, Lachlan checked her appearance once more and nodded with approval. She had nothing to worry about; this was just like any other time she met up with Savannah for lunch. Only this time, it would be less girl talk and more business.

"Vannah, remind me. How do you know this woman again, because I don't want just..."

"Jack, relax." Savannah laughed. "I've known her since I was a little girl. She and I went to school together, she was even my roommate in college."

"Uh huh, but maybe she's changed since then." Jack shrugged

"Trust me, Lachlan Bush has not changed. If it will make you feel better, I can tell you everything there is to know about her." Savannah replied, fixing her lip gloss.

"Has she done this, before?" Jack asked, a little nervous

Savannah sighed and took her husband's hand in her own. "Not exactly but before you go getting worried trust me. Lachlan and I have talked this over a dozen times; we've even discussed it with the specialist. All we have to do now, is sit back and wait, maybe help her a bit when she needs it."

"Why couldn't you have hired someone, who has done this before?"

"Jack, I didn't want some random woman giving birth to my child." Savannah snapped. "Besides, it's too late, to turn back now."

Sighing, Jack rolled his eyes behind the sunglasses that hid his eyes. When Savannah had decided to use a surrogate mother, as their route to having a child, he'd agreed. On one condition, she found someone who had done this before, someone who would have no problem handing over a child to them.

What did they do, if this Lachlan woman didn't want to hand the baby over once it was born? Then they'd spent a lot of money and too many of Savannah's hopes, for nothing. The agency Savannah had contacted had made it clear, that if the surrogate didn't want to give the child up, then there was nothing they could do.

Due to the traditional surrogacy they had chosen, technically the baby wasn't even Savannah's. Genetically, it belonged to her husband and the surrogate, in the event the surrogate didn't want to give the child up, the most they could do was Jack file for visitations.

"Why didn't we just stick to adoption?" Jack questioned his thoughts out loud.

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