Chapter Four

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Jack is a jerk, moving forward :-P


"So," Savannah smiled, sliding onto the bed behind her husband.

"So?" Jack echoed

"What do you think of Lachlan?" Savannah questioned, her small hands working over his tight shoulder muscles.

She'd noticed that Jack had seemed to be tense and uneasy, after they'd met with Lachlan. With luck, it was just a bit of nerves getting to him. Savannah knew how easily he could get worked up, over the smallest thing,

"Well." Jack blew out a heavy breath and shrugged.

What could he say? He didn't want to tell his wife, her friend was an absolute bitch. That the only good quality about her, that he'd found, was that she was good in the bedroom. Other then sex, he had no use for her, now he wasn't even sure he wanted her around for that.

"She's...nice?" to Jack it sounded more like a question.

"Be honest, with me Jack." Savannah pouted

Clearing his throat, he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, he had to sell this one. If he wanted his wife to be in the dark, he had to sell this one off like all the others.

"Honestly, I think she's great, she's intelligent, sweet and she seems like she's really committed to helping with this. While you were in the washroom, she and I got to talk and sweetie; you couldn't have found a better person."

"Really?" Savannah asked, hopefully

"Yes, really. She's really..." Jack paused. "Great, I think things will be fine."

Throwing her arms around her husband's neck, Savannah rested her head on Jack's back. "I knew you two would like each other." she whispered, her lips brushing against the back of his neck.

"So...when are you, you know. Going to set up appointments?"

"Oh, I can't do that just yet. They're really busy and we can't set anything up for a few weeks. I think they're free, around the first of April." Savannah promptly informed him. "Besides, Lachlan still has to sign the forms, before we can do that."

"She hasn't signed?" Jack furrowed his brow trying to act concerned, when really that could be a good thing.

When Savannah had suggested doing this, the first thing she wanted was a form of confidentiality signed by the surrogate, not that it made a difference, Jack was pretty sure people were going to notice that Savannah hadn't been pregnant. Either way, his wife had been persistent with what she wanted, so he let her go ahead with it.

"No, I thought that we could let you two maybe, get to know each other better first." Savannah sighed. "I just want you two to be alright with one another. I know her; I mean I'd trust Lachlan with my life."

"Get to know her more? Baby, we have an entire nine months to do that."

"Yes, but it will be better if you get to know each other a bit." Savannah protested. "She needs to get used to our life style too, that's why I've arranged for Lachlan to travel with us to a few shows. Flyzik is fine with it."

" with us?" Jack's voice caught in his throat. "Vannah, you can't force people to give up their life, for this."

"She already said it was fine." Savannah smiled. "She even has a clearance for work and the band is really excited."

It was painfully obvious to Jack, that his wife had made this arrangement before he ended up in bed with Lachlan. Spending time with Lachlan Bush hadn't been his idea of a good time, not anymore at least.

"I've also invited her, to Alex's with us on Wednesday. I just think its right, that we introduce her to people we know. We can't have her being around, and not knowing anybody." Savannah shrugged

"Right, not knowing anybody." Jack nodded

Lachlan would never tell, he'd went home with her, but there was no saying that a drunk Zack Merrick or Alex Gaskarth wouldn't. Both men had been with Jack, the night he'd left them to take the attractive brunette home, they'd never said anything to Savannah before about the women he'd left with. None of those women ever ended up being his wife's friend either.


That was the only way Lachlan, could describe Jack Barakat. He acted like a complete ass, who thought he was God's given gift to women or something like that. She wasn't exactly sure what it was with the man, but it was as if he had split personality disorder. The first night she'd met him, he'd been charming, funny, intelligent and witty. Now, he was an arrogant, ignorant, lying, self-centered ass!

Why Savannah would stay with a man like that, she couldn't understand. Why any woman would want a man, like that, she'd never know. All Lachlan could do, was hope he was a hell of a lot nicer to his wife, then he had been to her. Who was she kidding? Of course he wasn't, he may act sweet, loving and all innocent around his wife. When in reality, he was tearing his marriage apart. If Savannah knew, he went around sleeping with random women, she'd be crushed.

Jack had said she had her affairs too. Lachlan didn't understand people, why get married and have a family if you were going to stray away. Didn't wedding vows mention something about loving your partner, until death? Maybe wedding vows just didn't matter to some that was it! To men like Jack Barakat, they were nothing more than words.

Screaming in frustration, Lachlan flopped down on her sofa, her head rested against the back of it. Closing her eyes, she slowly massaged her temples, but even that wasn't helping the headache she had. Cursing herself for not slapping the man, she groaned and propped her feet up on the glass coffee table that sat in front of her sofa.

She hated herself, and why? All because she'd slept with some man, who happened to be her friend's husband. Shaking her head, Lachlan clenched her fist no that was wrong. She had no reason to hate herself; no one had reason to hate her, this was Jack's fault. He could have said he was married!

Reaching out, she grabbed the bottle of red wine, from the coffee table that she'd sat down. Not bothering to take the glass as well, Lachlan tipped the large bottle up to her lips, letting the liquid flow. With a moan she detached herself from the bottle and licked her lips that was good.

Taking the remote, to her stereo in her hand she closed her eyes, letting the music from the cd that was in there hit her, Lachlan stretched out on the couch with her bottle of wine in hand. This she needed, if she didn't find a way to relax; she might just hunt Mr. Barakat down and try to strangle him.

She tipped the wine bottle back up to her lips, taking a long sip. "Fuck you, Jack Barakat!"

Lachlan smiled to herself, god that felt good to say!

It Had to be You (Jack Barakat of All Time Low)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara