Chapter Ten

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and...thank you once again for the great feedback :-)


"Miss Bush."

Lachlan looked up from the projects she had been going over, and getting prepared to mark. Turning toward the door, she smiled and sat her pen down, motioning for the man to enter the room.

Standing up, she held out her hand and smiled. As he returned the smile, Lachlan couldn't help but feel a little giddy, it wasn't her fault he had the most perfect smile she'd ever seen on a man. Not to mention, he wasn't all that bad looking, totally someone she could check out for hours.

"Hello, Mr..."

"Rian. The whole Mister thing makes me feel old." He replied shaking Lachlan's hand. "So, Miss Bush."

"Lachlan." Lachlan spoke up

"Pardon?" Rian rose his brow

"Lachlan, it's my name. The only people, who are required to call me Miss Bush, are my students." Lachlan smiled

Nodding; Rian cleared his throat and reached into his back pocket, pulling out an envelope. Hanging it toward Lachlan he sighed.

"I wasn't sure, exactly what your class needed. Instead of just bringing the stuff by, I thought maybe I'd let you get it yourself."

Carefully taking the envelope, Lachlan smiled and thanked him. Making sure the envelope, was safely tucked away in her desk drawer, Lachlan took a perch on the end of her desk. Her naturally tanned skin seemed to glow, as the sunlight from the window swept across her.

It wasn't hard to notice, that she was an attractive woman. Any man could have seen that, and there was no sign of a wedding ring being present. That could always be the added bonus. If he ever decided to have one of those, fantasies about a teacher, no doubt this would be the one he'd choose.

"Thank you, honestly. This is going to mean a lot to the kids." Lachlan gave him a soft smile

Jerking out of his thoughts, Rian smiled sheepishly, he was pretty sure he even felt himself blush.

"You're welcome. I'm glad we could help out."

"Oh trust me, you've helped out more then you know." Lachlan laughed nervously. "We've been running low on our supplies. The kids were happy to know, they'd be getting some new stuff too. I guess art class isn't much fun, when you don't have any paint."

"Art class, isn't much fun without the messy stuff." Rian smiled

Lachlan nodded in agreement.

An awkward silence seemed to fall over the room, what did they do now? Did he leave? Or did he stay? Rian shifted from one foot to the other, glancing around the class room. For a room its size, it looked impossible, that it had been a container for twenty some kids all day long. It had to be the nicest and cleanest class room he'd ever been in. Spotting the small feminine touches that Lachlan had probably added, made him laugh a bit.

"Are those your kids?" Rian asked, pointing to a photo of Lachlan with her arms around two little boys

Lachlan smiled and shook her head, glancing at the photo that sat on her desk. "No, they're my brother's kids. We only get to see each other once or twice a year, so we like to make it count when we do."

"They live out of state?"

"The Maine border." Lachlan nodded

"That's a long way to go." Rian commented

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