Chapter Thirteen

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Evan is such a complicated little fellow.


If Lachlan could get her hands on Jack Barakat she was positive, she would smack him so hard it would knock him into the next century. In all fairness she should be smacking Evan Kirkendall around too, the situation wasn't much different. The only difference was that Evan had been right. Lachlan hadn't seen herself as a home wrecker, but maybe Evan was right and maybe she had been one. Even if she didn't know Jack was married, it wasn't as if she asked before she climbed in bed with him.

What she was worried about, Lachlan had no clue. Although she suspected it had something to do with what would happen when Savannah found out. It took two, but somehow she knew Savannah would not see it that way. Jack was her husband and Lachlan was only a friend. As much as Lachlan would love to have Savannah believe her, something told her that Jack was winning this time.

Hanging her head, Lachlan sighed. It was a little past six o'clock she should have been out having dinner with Rian right now, not sitting at home trying to figure out all of her problems. She'd gotten in touch with Rian early Sunday morning when he called her. Lachlan had been a bit relieved that he seemed to understand when she said she couldn't go for dinner. Given he sounded upset, but still seemed to understand her point of view and told her that maybe they could go another time.

Todd had a fit when Lachlan had told him she wasn't going to go. His opinion was that of typical Todd. He threw a small tantrum, then told Lachlan she was insane, for letting "Mr. Hot " go without so much as a chance. She valued Todd's opinion, most of the time but this time she had to let the chance go. It was for the best in the long run.

Lachlan jumped when her phone started to ring, scaring her. Groaning, she glared at the phone that sat a few inches away from her. She could answer it and see who it was, or she could leave it and get the message later. After the fourth ring, she gave in and picked the phone up.

"Hello." she answered her voice clear

"Lach, hey. I thought you were going out tonight." Savannah replied cheerfully

"I was, but I declined. I had too much stuff to do. We're going to maybe plan for another night." Lachlan sighed

"Oh, shame. Rian is a sweetheart, absolute doll really." Savannah sounded sympathetic for a change.

"He certainly seems nice." Lachlan agreed. "So, what's up?"

Lachlan knew that there was more to this call, then discussing how nice Rian Dawson was.

"Well, I spoke to the clinic today and they can set an appointment up. I just need to know, if you're able to do it."

No! Lachlan wanted to shout. No, she wasn't able to do it, not now. As much as she truly wanted to help Savannah get what she wanted, she couldn't do this now. Had things been different, then maybe she would have.

"I have an appointment for next Thursday." Savannah continued

"Van, I don't know. I mean, I want to really, but...." Lachlan paused. "Can we talk, about this before we go making any more plans? I think that you, Jack and I really need to sit down and talk about all of this."

"You don't want to do it?" Savannah sounded offended

"No, of course I do. Really, I do. There's just a lot that needs to be discussed, before we go any further. I think that we need to talk, that's all." Lachlan sighed

How exactly did you tell your best friend, that you slept with her husband? Lachlan didn't know, but she had a feeling she'd find out pretty soon.

Tossing and turning, Lachlan rolled over and glared at the clock on her night stand. The big red numbers told her that it was just after two in the morning, she had been in bed since ten and so far she hadn't slept at all. Heaving a sigh she rolled back over and stared at the ceiling of her apartment.

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