Chapter Seven

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Hearing a loud knock on her door, Lachlan groaned and pulled her house coat tighter around her body, whoever was at the door sure was persistent, that she open the damn thing. Whoever it was, if there was no fire or major emergency, they were going to get a piece of her mind when she got to them.

Unlocking the first lock on her door, she opened the door, the chain lock still in place. Glaring out at the person on the other side, Lachlan groaned again.

"What do you want? I was trying to sleep, until you came banging my door down. How the hell, did you get into the building anyway?"

"Some guy was coming out the door, as I came in."

"Right, what do you want?" Lachlan snapped

"We need to talk. If you'd let me in, instead of making me stand out here in the hall way."

"Why should I, Jack? Why should I, let you in? How about I call the cops instead? Because, you've been bugging the shit out of me, you called my phone non-stop yesterday. How did you get my number? Steal it from your wife?"

"Quit being a bitch, and let me in damn it!" Jack hissed

"No!" Lachlan shook her head

"Why are you always a bitch? You weren't that way, when I had you on your back."

"This is my apartment; I said no you're not coming in. If you'd like, I could have you escorted out of here. That would look nice, wouldn't it? Jack Barakat, arrested for harassment. Yes, I'm sure your wife, family and band would adore seeing that." Lachlan replied

For whatever reason Jack had been trying to talk to her, for the last day or so, she didn't want to hear about it. No doubt, he was only out to tell her the same thing Savannah had been. What business was it of theirs, if she went out with Evan Kirkendall?

She'd already heard about it again from Savannah, while the two had a short lunch. Why Lachlan had even left work for that, she was now questioning. She could have stayed at the school and listened to some little kid go on about how much they disliked a classmate. Instead she choose to listen to Savannah go on about how much she disliked Evan.

"Open the damn door, Bush." Jack hissed again, Lachlan could tell her was getting pissed off.

"No, Jack. I'm not letting you in." Lachlan forcefully replied

"Ple...please Lachlan. Come on; let me in for five minutes. I swear I'll leave when I'm done talking."

"Say what you have to say, I can hear you." Lachlan kept her hand on the door knob, the other still clutched tightly to her robe.

This man that she'd met certainly wasn't the same man she'd meant the night she'd invited him back to her place. That man, seemed to actually care, he was funny and witty. He even had a bit of charm and manners, that man she could stand to be around. This man was none of those, nothing even compared to him. How did Savannah live with this man?

That was right, Lachlan had forgotten the Jack she was seeing he wasn't around when Savannah was. No, he went away and the sweet, charming Jack came back. Funny, how the personality could change so quickly. Scoffing at the situation, Lachlan shook her head.

"Does your wife, know you're here?" she questioned

"Does my wife ever know where I am?" Jack shook his head. "She's at some support group."

"Maybe you should be with her." Lachlan suggested

"I'm not a woman. Secondly, I'm not the one who's infertile."

There he went again, showing off what an ass he was.

"No, maybe not, but you're her husband. Ever think that maybe if you supported her she wouldn't have to talk to a group of strangers, about your lives. Really, I hope it's confidential, or your sex life could get plastered all over the place." Lachlan smiled at the thought, oh how she'd love to see the man humiliated.

"Whatever." Jack muttered. "Just...stay the fuck away from Kirkendall."

"Your wife told me that too, although I doubt the two of you have the same reason for saying it." Lachlan shrugged.

"Look, its bad enough what happened, happened. Had I known you were the bitch you were, I'd have never fucking given you a second glance. On top of that, had I known you were the one my wife hired, to have our kid I'd have never taken the second glance. It's bad enough you're around, the less I have to deal with you the better." Jack snipped. "Stay the fuck away from the people I work with and know. The only time, I want to see you is when it has to do with what we asked you to do."

"Ok, then that means you should leave." Lachlan pointed down the hall, to where the elevator was located.

Before he could say anything else, Lachlan slammed the door on him and quickly locked the second lock. Breathing a sigh of relief, she took a seat on the arm of the chair that faced the door. Slowly, she counted to ten, when Jack started banging on the door again.

Ignoring him, Lachlan sauntered into the kitchen and picked up the cordless phone that sat on the counter. As she listened to Jack bang on the door some more, she rolled her eyes and sighed.

"I'll give you one last warning, Barakat. Stop this bullshit, or I'll call the cops." Lachlan called out, loud enough for him to hear

"You wouldn't dare!" Jack shouted back

"Try me." Lachlan muttered, dialing the numbers on the phone.

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