Chapter Five

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oh look it is our friend, Evan!


Wednesday afternoon, found Lachlan sitting inside of her small class room, going over a small assignment that she'd given her class to do. Rubbing her temples, she sighed. Today had been rough, of course not as bad as the previous one, when she'd ended up teaching a class of second graders with a slight bit of a hangover.

Glancing at the clock that hung on the wall at the back of the class room, she groaned. Savannah had asked her to tag along, with her and her husband for the evening to some get together a friend of theirs was having, when all Lachlan really wanted was to go home, have dinner and fall into bed.

She'd had enough stress for one day, when one of her students had fallen ill and rushed through the class room, pushing everyone and everything out of his way in hopes of making it to a washroom. Sadly the poor boy hadn't even made it to the garbage can, before it happened.

A soft knocking sound jerked Lachlan's head toward the door. Seeing the man on the other side, she rolled her eyes and groaned loudly. Whatever he wanted, she was positive it could wait. As he continued knocking, Lachlan shot him a dirty look and granted him entrance.

"So, this is what a second grade class room looks like now a day." Jack mused, taking a seat at one of the small desks in the front group

"I don't have time for you." Lachlan replied, straightening up stuff on her desk

"The lady in the office, said you weren't busy. Unless she was lying," Jack shrugged

"Why are you here?" Lachlan's voice was cold

She'd told Kalissa, the office assistant not to give anybody any information on her, when they came looking without Lachlan mentioning them before hand. Especially if he was a tall, lanky dark haired jerk.

"To see you." Jack replied with a smirk

"Exactly how did you find out which room I was in? I'm only curious, because I've told them not to tell assholes where I was, while at work."

"Yeah, you see about that." Jack grinned. "Comes to find out, Mr. Forham's daughter is actually a fan, you'd be amazed at what I can get with nothing more than signing my name on shit."

Damn Dylan Forham!

Lachlan rolled her eyes; she wasn't even going to touch that one. The less she had to talk to this man, the better it became.

"On top of that, my band mate donated some office shit to the place, last fall. I've got connections all over."

"What do you want, Jack? Just tell me why you're here then please if you would leave. I'd be forever pleased." Lachlan's head was down as she scanned some more papers from her class

Moving from his seat at the small desk, he found a new perch on the corner of hers. Lachlan watched as his hands moved over items on her desk, the desk was her space; nothing bothered Lachlan more than people touching the items on her desk. She was convinced, that was how people lost the majority of their teaching supplies. People touched items, borrowed items and then, they were never to be seen again.

As Jack moved to pick up a small decoration that she kept on her desk, Lachlan reached out snapping his hand with the pen that she'd been holding. Casting her a dirty glance, Jack shook his hand trying to get the sting to go away. Muttering something under his breath, Lachlan gave him a smug smile.

"What is it you want? Honestly, don't you have better places to be? Like maybe at home, with your wife." Lachlan cocked her head to the side, eyeing him over her thick rimmed glasses

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