Sleepovers and Brunch

Start from the beginning


You looked up at him.


"Just making sure, are you comfortable with continuing with this?"

"I had a lot of fun, I think I would like to. Do you?"


You released a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding and smiled. His enthusiasm was comforting to say the least.

"I'll see you soon, then," you said, turning to grab the door handle. If you were as late as he said you were going to be, you needed to hurry. As much as you had wanted to stay and spend time with him, you got anxious if you knew you weren't going to be on time.


You faced Spencer.

"What? We're going to be late, aren't we?"

He leaned down to give you a chaste kiss on the lips before pulling back to smile.

"I couldn't resist. Now, let's go."

He put his hand on your lower back and ushered you down the stairs.

"See you soon!" he called.

You texted Hotch to tell him you were going to be late. You couldn't stop smiling on the drive home, and you realized something. You'd never seen Reid smile that much either. You knew this was the beginning of something new, it would just take some time to figure out what. The sex was awesome, of course, but there was something so comforting about having someone who understood you, who understood the life you live and the job you do.

It was refreshing, not having to explain what you did, or talk about how difficult it was to cope. He went through the exact same things as you, so you wouldn't have to relive any experience you didn't want to, because he knew. He knew it all. You didn't have to go through the process of meeting someone new, the awkwardness of getting to know what kind of person they were. Even then, there were still so many things you could learn about him, learn from him. And for the first time in a long time, you were excited for that.


You had wanted to spend more time with Spencer the following week, but work got in the way. The two of you started texting more though, simple things like good morning and good night, what you were eating for dinner, what you were doing in your free time before bed. You wanted to spend Saturday night as his place, but the girls had a pre-planned sleepover that you'd been dying to do for months.

As much as you liked Spencer, you wanted to create a few boundaries for yourself, one of them being that you wouldn't throw away your life or friendships just to spend time with him. If he wanted to continue doing... whatever it was that the two of you were doing, he was going to have to understand that you had your own life and that you needed at least a few shreds of independence. You wanted to give him space, too; you wouldn't admit it out loud, but you were scared that if you got too close too soon, he would decide he didn't want to stick around. And though it wasn't much now, it still meant something to you.

Enough of Spencer, though. You checked your phone periodically, but tried to keep yourself in the moment. You wanted to have a good time with the girls. You were all a little wine drunk in Penelope's living room already, playing one of those adult card games. It had started off pretty mild, talking about personal stuff, sometimes sex. But as the night went on, the saucier it got. Emily had showed everyone one of her nudes, Penny had to send Hotch an eggplant emoji out of context. It was your turn. JJ drew a card and laughed, reading it off to the group.

"Text "you up?" to the last person you hooked up with."

The girls laughed, and you nervously laughed too.

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