//28 - kinky...

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Concept: Cal finds out that Harry can be quite kinky when he wants to be.

[3720 words approx.]


Freezy POV

"Okay, so one person asks... oh dear," says Lux, reading over the question. Harry and I are doing a Q&A with Lux for his channel, and so far, the questions have been quite tame. But something tells me this one isn't.

"What does it say?" Asks Harry, looking intrigued.

"Do any of you like getting choked?" Lux reads, before shaking his head. "I don't, but I can pretty much guarantee Harry does. He's such a bottom," he adds jokingly. The younger boy just blushes.

"Well..." Harry starts, and Cal looks at him wide eyed.

"Wait, you actually like being choked?" Lux says, horror apparent in his tone.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't," says Harry.

"Hold on a minute, you've never told me this before," I say, looking at my boyfriend with a surprised expression. He just blushes more.

"Don't get offended just because I haven't told you about every kink I have," he laughs.

"Whatever. So when did you find out?" I ask.

"I had a one night stand with this guy, and he was pretty rough. Choking, all sorts. I guess I just enjoyed it," he shrugs.

"Why haven't you ever asked me to do it to you?" I say, a little hurt that he didn't feel as if he could tell me this.

"Not many people know how to do it right," he says simply.

"Wait, wait, wait. There's a right way to choke someone?" Lux asks, seeming a little more interested.

"Yeah. Most people think you should just wrap your hands around someone's neck, or press down on their windpipe, but that's not right," Harry says.

"Alright, do tell. How do you do it right?" Lux asks, leaning forwards.

"I can't really show it very well on myself," Harry says, raising his hands to his throat. "But you need to push your thumbs down on either side of the windpipe." He demonstrates, and I hear his breath hitch slightly, before he moves his hands away.

"I didn't know that," says Lux, looking at Harry.

"So what does it even feel like?" I ask, and Harry turns his attention back to me.

"I can show you if you like," he says, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Alright, sure," I say with a shrug.

"Lift your chin up a bit," he instructs, and I comply. "Ready?" He asks, placing his hands on either side of my neck. I just nod, and he when he presses his thumbs down, it cuts off nearly all of the air flowing into my lungs. I shake my head at him, and he removed his hands instantly.

"Nope, nope, don't like that at all," I wheeze, running my hand over my throat.

"You alright?" Harry asks, placing his hand gently on my knee.

"Yeah, fine," I say, grinning at him reassuringly.

"Thank you Harry, for that lesson on... choking," says Lux with a laugh.

"You're very welcome," Harry responds, a joking edge to his voice.

"And before things get too weird, we're gonna move onto the next question. This one is from..."

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