//1 - mysterious pretty boy

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A.N: first one baby! it's quite long, ngl, so the others will most likely be shorter. anyway, i hope you enjoy, slight nsfw, but not really (cal and harry get a lil bit handsy but nothing too explicit)

Concept: Nobody can work out who the mysterious pretty boy who waits outside Harry's school is, or who he is waiting for.

[4080 words approx.]


Harry POV

"Yo guys!" Vikk says, rushing over to where the rest of the group are. The school day has just ended, and JJ, Simon, Ethan and I are waiting in our usual spot by the goalposts for the others to arrive. Now that Vikk is here, that only leaves Josh.

"Hi Vikk," I smile, and he comes to stand between me and Ethan.

"Guess what?" He says. He pauses for a second, and then plunges straight into what he's about to say. "Okay, so, I found out some more about him." I sigh. Every day for the past three weeks since Cal started waiting at the gate, Vikk has been trying to find out stuff about him.

"For someone with a boyfriend, you're very interested in him," jokes Ethan, playfully nudging the smaller boy.

"Hey, you all know I'm not leaving Tobi any time soon," quips Vikk, pretending to be offended. "But Ethan, even as a straight male, you can't deny, Mysterious Pretty Boy is fit."

"He's okay I guess," huffs Ethan. "Come on then, what've you found out?" Jide and Simon lean in towards Vikk, interested.

"Okay so, apparently he's called Callum. I asked one of the teachers, she said he used to go to this school, and left when he was in Year 9. And he's in the year above us, so has just stared 6th Form," Vikk reels off in a hushed voice, as if Cal could possibly risk hearing us from 100 metres away.

"Callum... Left a couple of years ago... wait, you don't think that's Callum Airey do you?" Asks Simon, turning around to take a look. Callum is an infamous guy in our school. He got bullied so badly that he had to leave school after taking a beat down. He left when we were in Year 8. So yes Vikk, there's your answer, I think to myself.

"Nah man, no way," JJ confirms, and glances at Cal over Ethan's shoulder. To be fair to JJ though, Cal has changed a lot since Year 9. He's filled out, and got taller. No longer the gangly boy who took a beating in-front of nearly the whole school.

"I mean, it could be possible," Ethan says, thoughtfully.

"That's what I thought!" Shouts Vikk, earning a few worried stares from passers. "What do you reckon Haz?" He adds.

I stall for a brief moment. "Uh, could be I guess." I took a moment longer to reply because I have got caught up with the supposed 'mystery boy' throwing glances my way. He's gonna get us found out at this rate...

"What's up mate? You seem distracted," Vikk states, shooting me a concerned glance. I think I'm gonna tell him soon. He needs to know.

"Nothing much, don't worry. I'm just tired," I reply, and add a yawn for good measure. "But I do need to message you later, about some homework." He nods to me, knowing the real meaning of what I just said.

"Homework?" Groans Josh loudly, and he throws his bag down when he arrives. "Do not even think about homework near me right now. I got a piece every lesson today, and I've got three incompletes due tomorrow." He huffs loudly, very clearly frustrated.

"Jeez man. That's really shit," Simon sympathises, and pats the fuming boy on the arm.

"Yeah, it is. Anyway lads, I just came to tell guys that I'm going to a club with Freya tonight, so I'll see you all tomorrow," he says, and picks up his bag again, ready to leave. We all give a halfhearted wave, and he begins the trudge back the way he came, towards the old school building.

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