//24 - the ultimate wingman

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A.N: ahhhhhhh yessss. this is probably one of my favourite things i've written for a while. i love the idea of cal being really flustered around harry, and eventually jj getting sick of cal pining over harry and trying to set them up. it's just cute. and jj is a legend so, yeah. enjoy!

Concept: JJ being the ultimate wingman against Cal's will.

[3230 words approx.]



"Callum, I swear to God, if you bring that boy up, one more time, there's going to be a problem," says JJ, only half joking. I feel the tips of my ears heat up slightly with embarrassment.

"What? I don't talk about him that much," I insist, and JJ just scoffs at me disbelievingly.

"I think you've said about five times today that you think his hair looks good because it's messier than usual," he teases, and takes another bite of his sandwich.

"Sorry," I mumble looking away. I can still sense JJ's amusement without needing to see his expression.

"You know what? I think it's about time I came clean about something," says JJ, a hint of seriousness to his tone. I look back up at him.

"What, Jide?"

"I may, or may not be friends with a certain Harry Lewis," he says, looking at me sheepishly.

"What the fuck? Since when?" I demand.

"Since the start of this school year. He sits by me in a few classes."

"When we're you planning on telling me this?" I sigh, resting my face in my hands.

"I'm not sure to be honest. But hey, you know now?" He says, giving me a hopeful smile. I just glare back at him.

"I guess," I grumble. "So what's he like then?"

"He's really nice actually," smiles JJ. "Weird, and awkward, but nice. Really interesting."

"Wish I had an excuse to speak to him," I mutter bitterly. Suddenly JJ's expression brightens.

"What if I invited him over here to eat?" He asks, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Don't you dare," I growl. "I'm not ready to talk to him yet." He just grins wider, and stands up. I try to grab his wrist to stop him, but he moves too quickly.

"I think I'm going to," he says sweetly, staying just out of my reach. "It's for your own good. You can't pine after him forever." He then walks off towards the table where Harry is sat, alone.

"Yes I can," I mutter. "JJ!" I shout after him, but he ignores me. I do however, catch the attention of Harry. I feel a flush make it's way onto my face as the other boy meets my gaze for a split second, before looking to JJ. The two talk for a minute, and then Harry grabs his bag, and starts following JJ over to our table. Fuck. Me.

"Hey Cal," says JJ, a wicked grin on his face as he retakes his seat opposite me. Harry sits down next to him, seeming slightly nervous. "This is Harry."

"Hey Harry," I mumble, focusing all of my attention on not blushing in the younger boy's presence.

"And Harry, this is Cal. Don't mind him being such a grumpy asshole," says JJ, and I reach across the table to smack his arm.

"I'm not grumpy," I retort, glaring at JJ.

"Whatever, you little ray of sunshine," says JJ, sarcastically,

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