//25 - candy store

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A.N: not the best turn out, but oh well. i would suggest listening to "Candy Store" from heathers the musical before reading this, since it's quite hard to tell who's saying what without knowing roughly what the song is like. we have a couple of good chapters on the way soon though... :)

Concept: Harry asks for Vikk and Simon's help on how to get Cal's attention. They spend two months creating their own choreography to Candystore from Heathers, and perform it on Valentine's Day. Chaos ensues.

[1580 words approx.]



"Oh my God!" Groans JJ. "They're taking forever!" He drags out the last word, and leans his head back to rest on the top of the couch. He sits back up again quickly, and runs his hands frustratedly through his dreads.

JJ, Tobi and myself are sat on the sofa together in the front room of the Sidemen house. We're not entirely sure what we're waiting for, but Vikk Simon and Harry have been upstairs preparing for a good fifteen minutes now.

If I'm completely honest, I'm not sure why I'm here. From what I can deduce, Simon and Vikk are doing something to impress their boyfriends, and they asked Harry to help. Maybe Harry invited me so he didn't feel like he was fifth wheeling. It is Valentine's Day after all.

"Dude, chill out," says Tobi, and pats JJ's shoulder reassuringly. "They'll be out soon."

"Yeah man, don't worry about it," I add.

"That's fine for you two to say. I've been waiting for this since Simon told me two months ago," JJ retorts. That's fair enough. Tobi and I both found out about a week ago.

"I guess. But I'm sure it'll be worth the wait," I reply.

"Fuckin' better be," huffs JJ, earning a light smack from Tobi. No sooner than the exchange has occurred, there's a knock on the door frame.

"You guys ready?" It's Harry speaking. He sounds nervous, but with a unmissable undertone of excitement.

"Finally! You guys took your bloody time-" JJ is cut off by his own jaw dropping when the three saunter into the room. Honestly, my reaction isn't dissimilar. They look fucking incredible.

All of them are wearing similar things, but with different colours and alterations. Each of them have a black mini skirt, black flats and white button down shirt. They also have a tailored blazer and knee high socks, a different colour for each boy.

Vikk wears sunny yellow, Simon wears emerald green and Harry is bright red. Harry however, is also wearing makeup. Crimson lipstick and eyeshadow, where the other's faces are clean.

They file into the room, and stand in front of the TV, in a triangular formation. Harry is front and centre, with Simon and Vikk to his sides and slightly behind. Tobi, JJ and I all sit speechless on the sofa, stunned into silence, waiting for someone to make a move.

"Are one of you gonna stop staring and press play, or are we gonna stay here all night?" Quips Harry, hands on his hips. I can't move my eyes away from him.

He looks absolutely stunning. Almost beautiful. But he still, somehow, looks like himself. Which I love. I suppose people would tell me that I've liked him as more than friends for a while now. But tonight may just be the night that I finally end up telling him.

"Cal!" Snaps JJ, pulling me from my thoughts. I look at him with a most likely stupid expression. "You have the remote, man," he says, and points to the object in my lap. Kicking myself internally, I pick up the sleek object and press play.

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