//19 - three times and one

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Concept: Three times when Cal wanted to kiss Harry, and one time he did.

[2460 words approx.]



"Cal! Come on! Stop cheating," whines Harry, throwing down his controller onto his desk. I just laugh at him quietly.

"I'm not cheating Harry," I say, amusement clear in my voice. He turns his head slightly to face me, and gives me a skeptical look.

"You've just beat me seven times in a row. There's no way you're not cheating," he says, before reaching over to get his controller again, and checking that it isn't broken.

"Maybe you're just shit at the game," I laugh, and he glares at me.

"I'm not shit at it," he pouts. "We're going again."

"If you insist. Would it make you feel better if I actually cheat to win this time?" I joke, and he just scoffs, before loading up the game.

It's a more even match this time around, though I could still easily win without cheating. But it's funny to cheat now. Which is exactly what I do.

The first time he tries to shoot, I take my hand off the controller for a second to trace my finger lightly up the back of his neck. He loses focus for a mere moment, shivering at the unexpected touch, allowing me to steal the ball back. He glares at me, but says nothing.

When I see him racing towards the goal a second time, I poke him harshly in the side. He yelps in surprise, losing concentration, and allowing me to save his badly aimed shot. He growls, and leans forwards slightly, refusing to look at me.

The last time is a little less subtle. When he tries so shoot again, I reach over and place my palm maybe a little too high up on the inside of his thigh.

"Cal!" He hisses, looking over at me, the tips of his ears burning pink. I remove my hand a second later than needed, and then repossess the ball, grinning wickedly as I do so. I hear him huff loudly, but he just carries on playing, even more focused on winning than before.

Unfortunately for him, but as I had expected, he doesn't win. He leans back in his chair, letting out a frustrated yell.

"Want to go again?" I tease, and he glares at me. I can see him thinking up a revenge plot in his head, but I don't expect it when it happens. He barrels straight into me, knocking my chair over, and me flat on my back. He sits on my chest, looking slightly smug about my surprised expression.

"You cheated," he growls, shifting a little so that his knees pin my arms to the floor, and his fingers grip my shoulders tightly.

"Yes, this time I did," I retort, meeting his gaze steadily. He just carries on glaring at me, probably trying to think of a good comeback. I feel his grip on my shoulders loosen slightly, and decide to take the chance when he's off guard to flip the roles.

I try to get out of his grip, which catches him by surprise. But somehow, my escape attempt just turns the whole thing into play fighting. We both laugh as we continue to tussle. It's not about the game anymore, it's just for fun. Eventually, after a couple of minutes, I manage to flip us over, so that I'm on top of him.

I have his hands pinned above his head, straddling his waist with my feet hooked over his legs to stop him moving. But he makes no attempt to escape anyway, just lying beneath me, looking up and breathing heavily. My heart pounds in my chest, but not as a result of the struggle prior.

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