//15 - anything

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TWs: description of violence, and minor injury detail

A.N: jeeeez this took a while to write. and it would have been longer too, but i took out a scene, which i'll explain at the end. but yeah, it's VEEEERRRYY long. so be warned lmao. it's also hella angsty, i feel so bad for what i did to my precious children uwu. but all in the name of angst, am i right? anyhow, hope you enjoy.

Concept: A whole world of trouble comes for the Sidemen when Harry accidentally gets involved with something he shouldn't.

[6110 words approx.]


Harry POV

Usually, I hate English lessons. I just can't seem to get my head around the subject, however easy others, like Vikk, may find it. But this particular English lesson is always good. Last period on a Wednesday. It's the day that my normal teacher has off, so we always end up with a substitute. Which means, in turn, we get nothing done. Pretty much, I just get an hour to talk to my two deskmates, Will and Stephen.

"Oh my God," Stephen complains suddenly, as he sinks down to pretty much lie across the desk space in front of him. I give him a half confused, half concerned look. "I bloody forgot that was today," he grumbles vaguely, not lifting his head up. Will and I exchange a glance.

"Forgot what was today mate?" Asks Will.

"Meeting with those guys my mate suggested to me," he says, and I cast my mind back to our prior conversations, trying to recall exactly what he's meeting them for. That's right. Stephen has been looking for a new dealer since his last one got busted. It's not that he's an avid taker, but he likes to know that there's somewhere close and reliable if he ever needs anything.

"Why's that bad?" I ask, confused. "You've been looking forward to this for nearly a month."

He sighs deeply. "Yep Harry, I have. But guess which idiot is going to miss it because he went and got an after school detention from his maths teacher."

Will pats his shoulder sympathetically. "That's unlucky mate. Can't you just explain it to them, and ask to meet up some other time?"

"They probably won't see me for another couple of months after this if I miss today. From what my mate told me, they're not fans of people declining at the last minute," says Stephen frustratedly, finally lifting his head up and running his hand through his short hair.

"Why not ask someone to go for you?" Will suggests.

Stephen scoffs. "Who would be crazy enough to do that?"

"I wouldn't mind," I offer, before even fully thinking about what I'm saying.

"What, really?" Asks Stephen, seeming disbelieving.

"I mean, why not?" I grin, while tugging gently on the rope bracelet that adorns my right wrist. Doing this always helps me install confidence into myself, for some weird reason. Maybe because it's the symbol that I'm part of something bigger. The Sidemen. Each of us have a rope bracelet, and I suppose it helps me remember that I have a group of people who will be there to catch me if I fall.

Stephen raises his eyebrows at me. "Because you're offering to go and see some potentially dangerous drug dealers who even I haven't met yet?"

"Well, I mean, yeah, but what's the worst that could happen?" I joke.

"The police finding your body in some ditch two weeks later," says Will. I honestly can't tell if he's being serious or not.

"Yeah Harry. I might have taken you up on that offer if I knew these guys were safe, but I don't want to send you in there with no idea what to expect," Stephen says, meeting my eyes seriously. I roll my eyes at him.

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