//26 - a day in the life

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A.N: yesss update. it happened a few days ago now, but just wanted to say thank you for over 3k reads, and 200 votes. it means a lot, especially from the people who have supported my work from the beginning. anyway, a little bit of domestic fluff today, because i wanted to. and ginny the cat is back! :)

Concept: A day in the life of married Wroetofreezy.

[2710 words approx.]


Harry POV

I'm woken up by deep purrs rumbling though my body, and a rough tongue tickling my nose. I slowly open my eyes to find Ginny perched on my chest, and busily licking my face in an attempt to wake me up. I laugh gently, and raise a hand to stroke her head.

"Good morning Gi-Gi," I whisper, knowing that Cal is probably still asleep. "If you want me to feed you, you need to get off," I say, but Ginny just stays where she is, watching me with her huge green eyes.

I lift her gently off me, and sit up against the headboard, grabbing my phone. The time reads 11:14am, so it's probably about time we got up. I'll leave Cal for a minute though, I think, smiling as I look over to watch him sleeping peacefully beside me.

"Come on then you," I say, getting out of bed and picking Ginny up to cradle her in my arms. Quietly, I pad through our house and into the kitchen, with Ginny still purring contentedly. I place her down in front of her bowl, and fill it for her.

"Bon Appetit," I murmur, ruffling the fur on her head gently before leaving the room. I head back into our bedroom, sliding into bed beside Cal again. Carefully, I run my fingers through his hair, and lean down to press a long kiss to his mouth. After a moment, I pull away, and feel him stir.

"Morning babe," he says, voice slightly croaky with disuse. He looks up at me with a smile, his eyes still slightly glassy. He reaches out for me, hands gripping my waist and dragging me closer to him.

"Hey," I smile, enjoying my position above him, propped up on my elbows.

"What time is it?" He asks, looking only slightly more awake than he did before.

"Late. We need to get up, and do things," I muse, but he scoffs.

"Things can wait," he responds, moving one of his hands to cup the back of my head, and pulling me down for a slow kiss. I can't help but smile against his lips, despite knowing exactly what he has in mind.

After a minute, he rolls us over, so that he's leaning over me, with a smirk on his face.

"You're certainly a lot more awake now," I tease, and his hands move around underneath the loose fitting T-shirt I'm wearing.

"Since this is an option, yes I'm awake," he says, between pressing open mouthed kisses along my the underside of my jaw.

"You're so stupid," I say, no malice behind my words, looking down at him With fondness in my eyes.

"And you're the one who married me," he shrugs, kissing gently down my neck, without leaving any marks.

"Touché babe."


It's nearly midday when we finish showering after a bout of lazy morning sex. We now stand together in the kitchen, making coffee, and food.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" I ask, hopping up to sit on the kitchen counter. Cal turns around and gives me a disapproving look, but says nothing.

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