//17 - day nine {SMUT}

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A.N: omfg this is the most filthy thing i've ever written, like jesus. i need some holy water. anyway, yeah. this is literally just pwp lmao. for those who don't understand the title, it's referencing 'day nine' in the testosterone cycle, which is essentially, the day when a mans testosterone levels are highest, which can lead to some, ya know, side effects *insert lenny face* (which is what happens to harry in this story lol) anyway, enjoy this filth :)

Concept: literally just porn without plot, read it and find out bitchessssss

[4390 words approx.]


Harry POV

"Oh, come on Harry! Really?" Says Vikk, a disgusted look on his face. Everyone else in the room quickly turns their attention to me, trying to catch whatever embarrassing thing they think I'm doing before I can stop. Unluckily for them, only Cal is fast enough to catch me, and shoots me an amused smirk.

"What was he doing?" Asks JJ, seeming intrigued.

"He had his hand down his trousers, again," responds Vikk, still looking repulsed.

"Hey, my balls were itchy," I lie, earning a laugh from Ethan and JJ, and grossed out looks from the others. Cal continues grinning evilly at me from his seat across the room, and I just glare back at him. Of course he knows what I was actually doing.

It's all his fault too. I'm not sure why it's his fault, but it probably is. Whoever's fault it is though, today has been awful because of it. And I'm just about ready to kill someone.

This morning, I woke up, and for some reason, I just felt really fucking horny. I don't know why I did, but I did. Of course, I did the most reasonable thing I could think of, and asked Cal to help me out. And him, being the brilliant boyfriend he is, happily did so.

But even after an incredible blowjob from him, about half an hour later, the feeling came back. I tried my best to ignore it, but eventually had to remove myself from the room to take care of it, having decided I couldn't ask Cal again. He found out what I had been up to anyway, much to my dismay, from the fact that I had been... less than quiet about it.

For whole car journey to the Sidemen house, he teased me about it. But thankfully, by that point, the problem seemed to have stopped. Seemed to.

But now, I'm sat in a chair in the Sidemen house, surrounded by all my friends, with my newest boner tucked into the waistband of my boxers. Hopefully they won't see it, but I can't exactly excuse myself in this situation. They're not stupid, they would definitely figure out what's going on. Or Cal would tell them.

I've had just about enough of him poking fun at me this morning, so I decide, it's time to get a bit of revenge. And if I'm lucky, revenge will include him sorting my problem out for me again.

So I pull out my phone, and send him a quick text.

You: What's so funny? :(

Across the room, I watch him jump slightly as he receives my message, and take out his phone to check it. He smirks up at me when he reads it, and quickly starts tapping out a reply.

Freezy💙❄️: Nothing's funny babe, what do you mean?

You: Oh, of course not, you've just got that shit eating grin on your face for no reason?

Freezy💙❄️: Isn't this what my face usually looks like? XP

You: Nah, you usually look worse... hehe

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