//18 - in love with a monster

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Warning: One section of this story contains explicit smut. I've put a  ******  where it starts and ends if you want to skip.

A.N: hello! guess who's back! with a proper update! whoop. so this is an interesting one, i actually really like how it turned out. quick note on ages, because it's kinda relevant. harry is 18 at the start, and 19 at the end, and cal is 20 at the start and 21 at the end. harry's siblings make a brief appearance, rosie is 16 and josh is 10. i know this isn't the actual age gap, but it makes more sense for the plot. other than that, hope y'all enjoy this mess.

[6170 words approx.]


Harry POV

He'll buy me a thorn before he'll buy me a rose

"Why hello there, gorgeous." A tall, dirty blonde man saunters over to the table I'm sat at, and promptly takes the seat opposite me. Usually, I would just shoot down such advances, but something about him intrigues me. I place down my mug of coffee for a minute to look at him properly, pretending I don't see the smirk that works it's way onto his lips.

"Anything better to say to me than that?" I sass, leaning forwards slightly, and resting my chin on the heel of my palm. I may not know him, but there's something about the cocky way he holds himself that tells me he won't be offended by my tone.

"Oh, I have a lot of things I'd like to say. I just don't think they'd be appropriate to tell a stranger," he responds, with a wicked grin. I quirk a brow at him, and hold out my left hand.

"I'm Harry," I say plainly, and he takes my hand, but doesn't shake it yet. His palm is surprisingly soft.

"Cal," he responds, icy blue eyes looking straight into mine. "Pleased to make your... acquaintance." It's only now that he shakes my hand, before letting go a second later than needed.

"Now that we're acquainted, fancy telling me those things you wanted to say?" I ask sweetly. His eyes light up, seeming pleased that I'm actually flirting back.

"I might do, if you let me take you out on a date first," he replies, looking me over carefully.

"How forward of you," I say, trying my best to match his easy confidence. "Let me get your number, then I might think about it."

"Naturally," he says, and holds his hand out expectantly for my phone. I raise a brow skeptically. "I'm not going to rob you. Just trust me," he reassures, with a small laugh. I sigh, but unlock my phone and pass it to him. I watch him carefully as he types his number into a new contact, focusing intently.

"Here you go," he says after a minute, and hands me back my phone. The contact he created is simply named 'Callum Airey'.

"Airey? So you're Northern?" I ask, and he laughs at me.

"How did you get that from my surname and not from my accent?" He chuckles, and I frown at him. It's not that I hadn't noticed his accent, I just couldn't work out exactly where it was from. He sounds like he's lived in too many different places.

"No offence, but your accent is kinda fucked up," I joke, and he gasps in mock offence. Suddenly though, his phone goes off, and he checks it discreetly, sighing when he does.

"I'm sorry beautiful, but I have to go," he says, sounding disappointed as he stands up. "I'll see you around though, yeah?"

"You would certainly hope so," I grin, and watch as he walks out of the coffee shop without another word. I let out a short breath, and relax back into my chair. How can he make me feel like this? I don't even know him.

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