//4 - first time aftermath

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A.N: woah! two updates in two days, i'm on a roll here. thankfully, i've been really productive today, and got loads of stuff typed up. so, update tomorrow too!

Concept: The events after teenage WroetoFreezy's first time. (Note: They're both 17 in this, age of consent in Britain is 16 tho, so it's fine)

[1900 words approx.]



I pull slowly out of Harry, and fall back onto my pillows, next to where he is lying, panting heavily. I carefully slide an arm under his upper back, and move him across, and into my side more. He rests the back of his head on my chest, his soft hair tickling my skin. He closes his eyes contentedly, his body glistening in a thin sheen of sweat. He relaxes gradually, and I feel him finally go fully limp in my arms.

He shivers a little, so I hook my foot under the duvet, and kick it up to where I can reach it. I grab the soft material, and pull it up over him. He makes a small, cat-like noise of appreciation, and settles down even further.

We lie in silence for a while, taking time to slow our breathing, and come down fully from the hell of a high we both experienced. I really hope it was as good for him as it was for me. An image flashes in my mind of him, all laid out beneath me, eyes full of pure lust. There's no way he could fake that look. But I want to check, just to be certain. And to make sure he is okay.

I nudge him gently on the shoulder with my free hand. "You okay?" I ask, voice more hoarse that I expected it to be. I clear my throat, and wait for his reply. He opens his eyes and looks up at me.

"Yeah," he sighs, sounding blissful, "Why wouldn't I be?" His smile lights up the room. Looks like I have nothing to worry about.

"I don't know. But you're not like, sore or anything?" I add, lamely. He rolls his eyes at me.

"Of course I am. But then again, I don't think anything that size was ever meant to go up my ass," he says, smirking at me. I grin it him nervously.

"Eh, what can I say," I say, as nonchalant as I can manage. He chuckles, and tries to turn over, pulling himself closer to me, managing but wincing in pain as he moves. I try my best to help him move, my arm that is around him drawing him closer.

"Jesus Christ," he curses. I give him a worried look.

"Sorry," I respond automatically. He turns himself to rest his chin on my chest, and gives me a look. A look that just says, really?.

"It's fine, not like you can help it," he grins, "And besides, that was one hell of a shag, even if it hurts now." I flush, embarrassed, and see a look of satisfaction cross his face.

"So you would go again?" I ask, and start internally kicking myself at my bluntness. I give him my best 'sexy' smile, hoping to make what I said look intentional. He blushes a bit too, and looks down.

"Definitely. But just not today though." As if to prove his point, he barely hides his grimace as he shifts into a more comfortable position again. I grab his hand he has slung across my torso, and lace our fingers together. I rub my thumb across his knuckles, feeling the soft bumps there.

"Ok babe," I whisper, and he looks at me more alertly. Before he can open his mouth to question me, I correct myself. "Sorry, sorry. Shouldn't really have done that without asking." He shushes me abruptly.

"It's fine. I don't mind. Pet names are fine. Just don't expect me to do it, I'm too awkward for that shit," he chuckles. I grin at him, relieved. I pull him up closer to me, and give him a chaste kiss. I can feel him smiling against my mouth. For the first time in a while, his lips are slightly dry, probably from his heavy breathing.

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