Chapter 66: The Monster In Me

Start from the beginning

You averted your eyes to the black sky that was illuminated by the vibrant lights of the stars. You imagined it as the same sunset view you loved when Katsuki asked you out.

The sunset was beautiful itself but because you were with the man you loved, things became livelier. It's like he was the only thing that brings out the beauty and light of simple things that we don't appreciate much. And one of those things was you.

I promise, Katsuki. I will come back alive no matter what, and then... we can fjnally be together. Spend quality time together just like what most couples do. I promise. I promise...

"Y/N." You snapped back to reality hearing the opening sound of the doors along with Kyoko-san's voice. You stood straight and turned to the spy, there were nobody who was inside so that means she already took them all out.

"Are you done? There aren't any more people, right?"

You nodded in response. You looked at her checking if she had any injuries during her fight. Luckily, you only saw a small scratch and a not so serious wound on her leg.

"Great. Also, I might know where Ms. Akane and the Alpha is." Your eyes sparkled after finding out what she said. It was a relief, now, all you had to do was rescue her and her little brother.

"What about Hisashi? Do you know where he is?" You asked excitedly. But by seeing the frown on her face, you already got your answer.

"He must be with the Elite... They might be inside some random rooms and they're probably separated." You stated while placing your finger on your chin. There would be no way they'll show Daydream that her brother was already captured. Or maybe they had other plans?

"And Miss Akane probably doesn't know Hisashi is inside." Kyoko added while doing the same gesture, "We have to split up. One of us might end up in the room of the Elite or the Alpha's. Either way, we'll be going to save both Hisashi and Miss Akane by ourselves. What do you say, Y/N?"

"Yeah." You answered bluntly. You didn't need to think it for long, as long as you'd be able to rescue them, then circumstances doesn't matter to you anymore.

"Alright, let's go." You took a deep breath before following her from behind. The both of you walked in hallways and checked the rooms that the you passed. It weren't the rooms you were looking for though.

"I heard some screams somewhere earlier... I'm just not sure where but I think it's on the right of this slaughter house." You listened as Kyoko mumbled out some words. You didn't complain, you trusted her with your life. She was also a spy and a friend of Daydream, enough for her to be trusted.

"Well, well, looks like some predators got inside a bird's nest. Oh well, atleast I don't have to set a trap for you two. It'd be a drag." The both of you flinched and immediately turned to the back revealing a man wearing a black shirt, black pants, and black shoes. His hair was also black yet his eyes were as red as Eijiro's hair. You knew his eyes looked familiar somehow.

"Who are you...?"

"Hi! I'm Raiden, a member of the Elite. Nice to meet ya!" He grinned revealing his fangs that looked the same as those from wolves. His smile suddenly turned into a bloodthirsty smirk sending chills down your spine.
"I just had dinner and now, I think I'm gonna have a little midnight snack. So, will you let me take a bite of your delicious flesh? I want to know what you taste like!" He spoke creepily at the same time his eyes went wide and he also stuck out his tongue with saliva dripping on the floor. Damn, he literally just resembled a wolf.

"Stay away!" Kyoko yelled as soon as the man named Raiden made his first step towards the both of you. He didn't stop, instead, he just kept on giving those creepy vibes and maybe a bit... seductive? To be honest, he kind of reminded you of your perverted boyfriend.

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