Chapter 53: The Hidden Truth

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"Your mother was a hero named Levitra. She was one of the most popular pro heroes back then, everyone admired her powerful quirk some even wanted to steal it. One time when a large monster destroyed dozens of buildings, she saved over hundreds of people and even took down the villain all by herself. She was kind, generous, beautiful, everything that makes a wonderful woman. She was considered the Goddess of Heroism. But something mysterious happened after she had her vacation.

She and I were close friends so it really shocked me when she suddenly disappeared out of the blue. After a few weeks she showed up to me and told me what happened and why she disappeared.

"I'm married... with someone."

She also said she was pregnant with a baby. After a few months, she gave birth and came back telling me that something happened after the baby was born.

"It was a rainy day when I gave birth to her. The moment she got out of my womb, the weather suddenly became clear and sunny."

She even said that yellow lights flowed around the baby. When the little one started crying, the whole hospital building broke down. They were really shocked back then. After a few days, they hired a private scientist whose specialty is identifying quirks and its capabilities. He examined the baby, he called her a miracle.

"Mr. and Mrs. L/N, your baby... She already developed ger quirk while she was inside Mrs. L/N's womb. She's a miracle!"

He also stated that this quirk was too powerful for a baby like her and if it's not fully controlled, it'd be possible that huge crisis might happen. As a solution, the father decided to take their baby's quirk but unfortunately, it was too powerful even for him. He could only take a little bit from the baby's quirk.

Because of that process, the baby's quirk disappeared. The scientist said that her quirk might come back and there was a slight possibility that it was gone forever. The mother felt sympathy for her own daughter so she told her husband to take her quirk and transfer it to their dear baby so she won't be quirkless once she grows old.

Y/N... You had a quirk ever since you were born, literally. And now, it came back. Your quirk is very powerful and you need to control your emotions to avoid danger."

You stared at your uncle with wide eyes and your lips were slightly apart from each other. You had a quirk ever since you were born, it disappeared and you got your Mother's quirk instead. It was powerful, that's what your uncle told you. You couldn't even believe the whole story.

"I... This quirk... it's Mom's?" You looked at your hands, the last thing you had from your mother was inside you all along. Her quirk.

"That battle All Might and your Father had, your eyes glowed yellow and your hair floated upwards. It wasn't just some kind of power, it was your quirk."

You turned your gaze back to your uncle who was turning on the TV revealing the Kamino incident. You were there, in front of your father defending his rival.

"Your quirk has something to do with emotions. I've been doing some research and I finally found out what it was called." He turned his head to you with a smile on his face.

"Empathic Casting or Patho-Mystokinesis. You can create or manipulate different kinds of elements and any power through your emotion, even the weather. When you were in rage, thunderstorms appeared out of the blue."

You remained silent as your mind was processing every word that came out of his mouth. Patho-Mystokinesis? Emotions? Powers, elements, and the weather? There was a lot going on that you can't even clear it all. You tilted your head down with a confused and shocked expression on your face.

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