Chapter 63: Let's Hunt

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"You want tomatoes?"

"Yes! Tow-mey-tows!"

You chuckled at the way he pronounced the word. You didn't know why tomatoes were his favorite fruit, you didn't even know what it tastes like. He kind of reminds you of Sasuke though.

You spent some fun time together. You played games, shared stories, cooked some burnt pancakes, and so many more. Hisashi has been opening up to you second after second. He wasn't shy to you anymore and you couldn't be more proud. You were doing good with little kids. You might even be ready to have one for yourself!

Okay, nevermind the dirty thoughts.

"Alright, to-mey-tows, it is. Where do we get to buy them? Oh right, the grocery store." You sighed, you realized you had to get out of the building just to buy what the little boy wanted.

"Kyoko-san isn't here... guess I'll have to buy them myself." You mumbled to yourself before turning to the purple-headed, "Hisashi-kun, stay here, okay? I'll buy tomatoes for you."

"But I want to come with you." You looked at him with those puppy eyes. And puppy eyes were your weakness. You bit your lower lip before responding, "Don't you remember what your sister told you? You can't go outside, so I'll go out by myself. Stay here, okay?"

He pouted and you couldn't handle his cuteness. He was like a cutie little lollipop that you just can't say 'no' to. "Gosh, you're so adorable! Alright, bye-bye!" Without looking back, you went directly outside. Because if you look at Hisashi, you knew you'd hesitate on going alone.

You immediately searched for a nearby grocery store and luckily, you found one not so far from the agency. You went inside and picked up a small bag of fresh tomatoes. While you were getting some money from your purse, you remembered something.

I wonder how Akane and Kyoko-san are doing. It's been two hours, could they be taken hostage by now?

You shook your head in disapproval. Daydream and Kyoko-san were professionals, of course they wouldn't be easily caught by those damned mafias.

What about Katsuki? I feel so bad for not saying goodbye to him earlier... He's probably mad right now! I should really learn how to be a good girlfriend.

"Here you go, Miss." You snapped out from your trail of thoughts as you gave the sales lady your payment. You took the bag she handed you before going out.

Hisashi's going to love this.


"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Breaking into my territory, huh, Daybreak?"

"L-Let me go!"

Akane struggled as she tried to escape from the ropes that were tied tight around her body. She was about to escape through the roof but some sort of animal caught her neck. She was shocked when the animal suddenly turned into a man, Raiden.

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