Chapter 6: It's Nothing

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The 2v2 training has ended. Right now you couldn't hear anything else other than people talking about Midoriya. He passed out and broke a few of his bones earlier all because of that Bakugo idiot. He really went up for the kill. That's what makes him an idiot.

I don't think he's suited as a hero with that attitude of his.

After a few gossips, you heard an oh so familiar voice.

Your gaze fixated on door and saw Midoriya who was about to run away. And you got confused why your feet suddenly moved as it carried you to the gates of UA.

What am I doing?!

You saw Midoriya standing, and in front of him was the explosive boy, Bakugo. You hid under a bush near them im able to hear their conversation. Your ears listened silently cooperating with your brain that was absorbing every word. And out of all those monologues they recited, one sentence caught your interest.

"I will make this quirk mine."

The statement had thousands of questions flow into your brain like a river. And using your speculations about the nerdy cinnamon roll, a bunch of conclusions were made.

Your index finger touched the tip of your chin as you were lost in thoughts.

Make this quirk mine? What does he mean by that? Could it be... Did he borrow that quirk or something? Well that makes sense. That's why he can't fully control his super strength and ends up breaking his own body. Alright, this is just an assumption. But I'm going to figure out how and from whom he borrowed that quirk. Of course, All Might is the first one on that list.

When Bakugo was about to walk away, a familiar muscular blonde man caught up to him. You raised a brow.

Speaking of the so-called hero, why is he here?

You couldn't exactly hear what he was saying to Bakugo until he finally walked away. When All Might and Midoriya had walked back to the building, you came out of the bushes and ran pass the school gate. You looked at the right side of the road and there he was, his back figure beginning to look so small in the distance with the sunset lightening his features.

You walked up to the blonde trying to catch up. "Hey--" you said touching his shoulder when you felt him flinch. He turned his head to you startlingly, tensed at the sudden contact.

"What do you want, weirdo?!"

He slapped your hand off his shoulder while you just stood there, not knowing what to do. When you snapped out, you crossed your arms and sent him a glare.

"I wanted to check on you, idiot! Now I'm starting to think it was a bad decision." He glared at you back.

"Leave me alone!" He yelled and turned back to his direction and walked away. Actually, stomped away. His footsteps were so loud that you can hear them from afar.

You just stood there, shaking your head slowly as you watched his figure slowly disappearing in the distance. But then you realized something.

Now that I think of it, why did I ran to him? What the hell was I thinking?! What the damn hell was I really thinking?! Was I even thinking?! Damn it! I'm heading back to school!


You and your classmates are now walking through the halls on your way to your homes. They were all talking about the 2v2 battle earlier while you were pretty quiet until someone changed the subject.

"So Y/N, I saw you with Bakugo earlier. What were you two talking about?" The pinkie, Ashido, said looking at you with a smirk on her face. You were surprised at the question, and her expression was exaggerating the whole scene.

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