Chapter 46: Provisional Exams Pt. 1

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After last night's training, it was finally the day of getting your provisional licenses. Your class arrived at the National Dagoba Arena where you'll have them.

You were very nervous since a lot of students probably watched All Might's fight and instead of getting your license, you'll end up getting criticized.

You sighed before Dadzawa spoke.

"If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will become chicks. You'll hatch into semi-pros. Do your best."

Everything felt too fast for you. You know, you just chose to be a hero and now you're really going to be one, except you still have to pass this test to approve it. But anyway, time flies as fast as the wind. As if All Might's fight was only yesterday.

Kirishima and the others were about to shout 'Plus Ultra' until a tall guy with a black hat barged in.


"You shouldn't just barge in on other people's huddles, Inasa." Another guy with the same hat uttered out. All of a sudden, the tall guy bowed down his head on the ground, literally.
Geez, this guy's hyperactive. Or maybe over-hyperactive and enthusiastic too. Okay, he's too enthusiastic. Oh whatever they call him, I'm sure there's a 'too' or 'over' at the end or the beginning.

"What's with this guy trying to get by with just his enthusiasm?!" Kaminari exclaimed. You suddenly felt like someone was watching you, so you turned your head to different directions to find out.

Left? Right? Up? Down? Behind? In front? Upside down?

After tilting your head multiple times, your eyes landed on two pairs of black and brown orbs. Their eyes were blazing, they were basically glaring at you. You sweatdropped thinking they recognized your face. I mean, who wouldn't forget the sixteen-year-old girl who was the daughter of All Might's rival and even got into their fight? Answer, nobody.

You swallowed the lump in your throat as you leaned in to Bakugo who was silently standing beside you. "Psst, Hothead. Who are they...?" You pointed to the two who had purple and light brownish hair, Bakugo looked to where your finger pointed as he narrowed his eyes back.

"UA in the east, Shiketsu in the west..." He answered in a very low tone you could imagine. You looked back at tge two who was now walking towards the entrance along with the over-enthusiastic one.

"Inasa Yoarashi. He's strong. Last year, the same year as you guys, Yoarashi got the top scores of those admitted through recommendations, but for some reason, he turned down his acceptance." The whole class listened silently at Aizawa. You narrowed your eyes as you watched their backs getting further in sight.

"Then I guess I'll have to watch out for him just in case." Bakugo heard you mumble as his glaring eyes turned into soft ones. He wanted to stay with you throughout the whole test since it's been so long since you two competed together, and he can't let this chance slide.


You were all in your costumes and man the whole place is packed! There were over a thousand students inside and you couldn't seem to fit in perfectly.

They were all students who aims to be heroes in the future. They had pure hearts and incredibly honest personalities. While you, you thought you were their opposite. But what you didn't know was that you were just the same as them. The only difference was, you were blinded by the darkness but you successfully got out. Thanks to the people you cared and your hope. Just like heroes.

"Damn it, why are there so many people here? This place isn't big enough to fit in!" You nervously laughed at the whining Bakugo. You were standing in front of each other and you two were so close. Your face was just five inches away from him which made the both of you blush.

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