"Take your seats. " I said to those three.

"Priya, Do you know them?" Mahira asked.

"Yes, mam. They are in the same college as me." Priya answered.

"What is this all about? " Mahira again questioned Priya.

But she stayed silent.

"Priya. Don't worry you can say your problem to us. We know you are leaving in a hostel away from your hometown, if you have some problems, we will try our best to help you. " I said.

"What problem will she have? She is very happy, after creating all problems in my friend's life." The first boy replied.

God! This boy is so irritating.

"Can you enlight us, how she created problems in your friend's life? As far as we know our Priya is a nice girl with good behaviour. " Mahira said questioning him.

He started narrating the issue.

The thing here is that the second boy (Dinesh) and Priya met in college during the fresher's party. They both danced as a pair for the event. Though they are from different departments, they become good friends. The boy slowly started to develop his feelings towards Priya. He liked her very much.

He proposed to her recently on her birthday. But Priya rejected him, saying she never thought of him in such away. From that day she is avoiding him and not talking to him. This boy is skipping his meals, sleep and getting sick thinking about her.

Mahira and I listened to all this from the first boy (Ram) who is the best friend of the second boy (Dinesh).

"Ok. Priya, Is it all true?" I asked.

"Yes, mam. It's true. We are friends and he suddenly proposed to me on my birthday. I always thought of him as a friend. I never had any other feeling about him. I avoided him so that he can forget his feelings on me and move on in his life." Priya answered.

"Dinesh. Do you have anything to say?" Mahira asked.

"Yes. In which way I'm lacking Priya. Why don't you have any feelings for me apart from friendship? " Dinesh asked turning towards Priya.

"Dinesh. I'm not saying you are lacking in something, so I don't want you. You are a good person. You have all the qualities. It just, I always thought of you as a good friend. I don't want to be in a relationship now. I want to concentrate on my studies and career. You also know this right, I always dreamt to become successful in future and help my family. I can't be in a relationship. Sorry. Please forget all this." Priya answered.

"I don't know. I don't want to listen to all these. I know you will love me, if not now, maybe in future, just accept my feelings. Please. " Dinesh said.

"Don't please her Dinesh. She doesn't deserve you at all." Ram said stopping his friend and continued scolding Priya.

"Stop it all of you! " Mahira shouted.

"Dinesh. You say you love Priya right." Mahira questioned him.

"Yes. " He answered nodding his head.

"Do you know loving includes understanding, trusting and caring?" She questioned him.

"Yes I know and I really do love her." He answered.

"Really. See here if you really understand her, you should know, how important is her career to her. All the things we see with our eyes may not be always true. Maybe she is having serious problems in her family, so she is having a high goal to succeed in her future and change her family condition or Maybe her family members are so strict regarding love issues and will never let her study further if she involves in love and relationships. So she might have made her mind not to enter into a relationship." Mahira said. All stayed silent so she continued.

"Or maybe she really has no such feelings towards you. We can never force our feelings. Try to understand this. For example, another girl from your college came and propose to you. What will be your answer? Maybe you will say 'you have no such feelings for her as you like Priya ' am I right? " Mahira asked.

He nodded his head as yes.

"Same goes with her. She can't force her feelings. Right. Try to understand. You created such a scene in front of many students in the academy and she is still saying, you are a good person and asking you to move on. Maybe if any other girl present in her place would have blamed you for all this drama. She is a good friend, who doesn't want to burry you in false hopes. She is wishing good for you. Do you understand?" She asked.

He again nodded his head positively.

"Priya, all the things you said just now are reasonable. I think you should not have avoided him and rather clarify this all to him." Mahira said.

"And you man, what do you think of yourself? Do you think,  you are some goon or something? What is with your behaviour? I understand your friend fell sick. But rather than blaming and scolding Priya, you should have made your friend understand the situation. " Mahira started scolding Ram.

"With what motive did you bring your friend here? Do you think by warning or blackmailing the girl, you can do good to your friend. I can inform this all to the police and let them take care of this but I'm thinking about both of your careers, so I just warning you. Understand. " Mahira concluded.

He slightly nodded his head, seems like all his head weight got down seeing an angry Mahira.

Later I made both boys write an apology letter for their behaviour in the academy premises and filed both letters.

I informed both boys parents regarding the issue so that they will be no further problems for Priya.

But after a few minutes, some student's parents came to the academy, I think the children might have called them and explain the issue that happened during lunch break.

They started questioning, how can we let such things happen in the academy.

We explained to them the situation and said our apologies for the inconvenience. Some parents understood the situation.

But some parents started talking nonsense, they said maybe Priya is a bad girl who always roams around boys and they said, they don't want their children to get spoil seeing her. So they asked to remove Priya from the academy. Mahira warned them not to spread the lies and we finalised our decision that we will never remove Priya, as she is not at fault.

The parents who talked nonsense took their children, saying they don't need our academy. They are speaking like it's all Priya's fault. One parent even said, even if the boy does wrong, society will only blame the girl. So girls should be always beware of the consequences. We are not able to listen to all these. We returned back their fee amounts.

Flashback ends.

"Mahira said she will handle the further classes, so I took Priya to her hostel and asked the hostel authorities to take extra care of Priya." Purvi concluded.

I got shocked listening to all these. So much happened today.

I asked Purvi to eat some snacks and fresh up.
Mahira returned back late.

She looked so dull.

She directly went into her room and locked the door saying not to disturb her.

Maybe she is not in a good mood, as some much happened in the academy today.

So we all let her rest.


Hope you all are doing well.

What do you think about the chap?

A big drama happened in the academy.

On the same day night, Daksh proposed to Mahira and got rejected.

Bye. See you all in the next chap. Take care.

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