Warming up

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clememtine and louis had just gotten off work clem being the first to get out then 30 minutes after it was louis. they always got home at the same time, everyday. all they'd do when they get home is cuddle and watch movies together. most night will get a bit heated at times.

one night clem and louis got off work the same time and they both drove home together. the whole ride was silent. only because they were tired and bad nothing to really conversate about. once they got home they got out the car and made way into the house. once tdd hey got in they immediately got undressed putting on more comfortable clothing.

louis made them both something to eat as they both sat down at the table eating then clem looked at him. " louis, its cold in here." clem said as she wrapoed her arms around herself. "i know... i dont know why though.." he said then he looked at her. "want me to start up the fire place?" louis asked and clem nodded.

louis got up finishing his food as he made way into the main room and starting a fire for the fire place. he walkee into the room and grabbed a long fluffy blanket as he put it infront of the fire place as clem finished her food and she walked over to him as he sat under the blanket and clem moved the blanket and sat on his lay now covering both of them with the blanket.

she wrapped her arms around his neck and she cuddled him as he wrapped his arms around her waist and they stayed lika that for a while. louis looked down at her as he smiled softly looking at clems face features from her eyes to her nose then landing his eyes on her lips.

he pulled clem onto his lap as she straddles him. he wrapped his arm around her waist as she leaned her head on his shoulder. he moved his lips to her neck softly placing kisses on her neck and biting at her skin softly.

"louis...what are you doing?" clem asked as she played with his dreads. but louis ignored her as his hands explored her body moving them down her waist as his hands landed on her hips.

"louis.." clem said as she sat up and looked at him. "im not doing that.. its cold and right now i want to be warm okay, so that can happen later on alright." she said as she pecked his lips softly before placing her head back on his chest.

they both stayed there they didnt talk much it was quiet they didnt want to talk they wanted to stay like this as long as they can. hell the apocolypse might be around the corner. when will they be able to hold each other, so might as well do it now than later.


Clouis/louistine -;《 smut,, fluff 》One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now