A New Life (Ch.30)

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Aurora awoke to a bright room. It was later than she was used to getting up but not as late as the other day.

Never remembering a time when the world seemed so bright. The yellow tinge all over the room bring the colour of everything to a whole new level. Unsure how to take it in she felt like she was seeing the world through happy eyes.

Xavier wrapped around her gave her a sense of protection, love and calm. There was a part of her that wanted to follow him home and stay like this forever.

The reality is she could not do that. It would be in one way or another giving up her control yet again. After everything she just was not ready. It would take some time before living with another person would feel safe.

The thought sobering in her mind as she stares off to the ceiling.

"Morning Love" his gruff voice came from beside her.

"Morning" she responded. Looking to him the dead in her eyes disappeared. The smile on her face meeting her eyes as he brought her such a warm feeling.

"Breakfast in bed?" he questions.

"In bed?" she echoed.

"yes" he says with sadness realizing this is another thing she had no idea about. As much as he was pleased to show her all these, there is a sadness in knowing why she is like this.

"I would like that" her innocence showing yet again.

"Then that is what we will do" leaning over he picks up the phone receiver and with a quick command hangs back up.

"All done?" Aurora questions as he turns back to her.

"All done" he gives back. Laying on his back with his arms behind his head. Looking to her she is quick to moves slowly to place her head on his chest. The cool of his skin against her face. The thumping of his heartbeat filling her ears. A rhythm forming in her and she is finding it hard to see herself being on her own.

They talk without moving. Whatever they think of seems to flow out into the space. The bounce back and forth and engagement in the conversation something new to both of them.

Connecting and learning Aurora felt alive in his arms on this bed. The world alive with colour and purpose she had never felt higher.

The knock at the door halted the mood but only a moment. Aurora ashen and shy the whole time the server was in the room. It was mere minutes before the worker had retreated back from the room.

Leaving a tray filled with silver little domes. Xavier gently lifting himself from the bed let Aurora slide from him and back to the soft mattress. Lifting lid after lid he expose a full breakfast spread.

Eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, yogurt, fruit and more. Aurora was shocked to see such service to a room with so few words.

"What would you like beautiful?" His words cause reddening in her cheeks and whether he knows or not is a direct link to her desire for him. The pull in her core never out when his is around.

Coming to the end of the bed Aurora knelt looking over the tray of food. Xavier stood with plate in hand waiting to serve her. There was something about this morning that she never wanted to end.

Allowing him to serve her she went with bacon, egg and a pancake. Breakfast of champions she thought to herself, a smile rested on her face naturally. Xavier couldn't help but feel pride being the one to put it there.

This is what he wanted everyday. If she came home with him this is what life could be like. Surrounded by nature and living the days away like a dream. He knew that Aurora wouldn't be so easy though. After a lifetime of control and solitude the last thing he thinks she'll want is to feel trapped all over again.

The thoughts flowed between them both as they ate in silence. Nothing coming to mind for either of them to say. They enjoyed the meal together and when finished both returned they plate to the tray.

"This was perfect" Aurora's voice broke the silence. "I don't think I have ever had a better morning" her soft voice like hitting Xavier like a freight train.

Xavier moved quickly; he claimed her mouth with happiness. Kissing her intently, with power. Going back home would be so good, he felt like he was losing his edge being gentle with her. He didn't even personally see to Colton's timely demise.

Aurora could feel the force behind Xavier's kiss. It was more than that to him, it was a claiming. Aurora was his officially with her words. Xavier intense intimacy turned Aurora on full force in a moment. The affect he had over her and vice versa was phenomenal.

Hips pressing against him he could not help but take her all over again. No pleasantries, no slow caressing. This was carnal love, he lost himself in her and her in him. There were no clothes to tear off, just bare skin on skin.

Taking her breast in his mouth, he nibbled and bite. Sending sharp awareness right to her core. Moaning Aurora squirmed under him, her hand flowing to her chest. Tracing his core as he tantalized her nerve endings.

Pulling up just inches her swiftly grabbed her hands pulling them up above her head. Extending her chest and core to his will, he bites along her bosom and up her neck.

Thrusting into her without ease Aurora cried out "Xavier". A smirk on Xavier's face has her pulled in. Showing no control Xavier keeps thrusting into Aurora who grip on the headboard has whitened her knuckles.

Releasing her hands, they don't move. A half smile crosses Xavier's face. Grabbing her hair, he picks her up onto his lap. Continuing to push into her he moves the to the edge of the bed.

Pulling her head back he lays sensual bites along the nape of her neck. Stepping off the bed he does not faulter, keeping his rhythm moving. Aurora hips bounce of his own. Rolling as she get to the end of his shaft, her body perfectly responding.

Slamming into the wall the passion explodes. Aurora's loud moaning bring a growl out in him. Quickly Xavier shifts positions, placing Aurora on the ground and turning her toward the wall he plunged back into her.

Aurora called out as he did, her hands spread out on the bedroom wall. Wrapping his hand in her hair and the other on her hip. Pulling her head and chest up toward him he laid kisses down her neck and shoulder. Pushing into her he felt her walls tighten around him as she exploded into estacy.

Grabbing her breast Xavier pulled her even more flush to himself. Kissing her, caressing her and fucking her was building the tightness in her core again. Aurora's body responded with matching Xavier's hips once ore, this was enough to push Xavier over the edge.

Grabbing her so she didn't collapse he brought her back to the bed. Aurora's legs were shaking even though they were laying down. Xavier cradled her tucking her hair behind her ear.

Xavier looked her over seriously. "I'm sorry I lost myself. I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked like a sad puppy

Aurora thought about it, it was borderline. Every flash of pain was met with a wave of pleasure. Never feeling so full in her life, never felt so connected to anyone. Not only did it not hurt she wanted to do it again.

"No, Honestly I liked it" she said with a sweet voice.

Xavier was almost knocked over; this girl was an amazement to him at every turn. He lost himself in her and here she stood wanting more. "Is that so love" he said sliding her fore finger down her cheek.

"Mhm" she nodded like a pleased chipmunk. Xavier couldn't help but laugh at her cuteness.

"Let's take a shower. Start the day" he smiled down to her.

The shower was slow with lots of touching and kissing. They continued to lose themselves together. Getting out of the shower Aurora realised she was in the wrong room to dress; she couldn't even brush her teeth in here.

"Excuse me, I have to go back to my room" Aurora looked up to Xavier in her towels.

"Understandable" he gave her a sly smile. 

***Author Note: Sorry for the short chapter! This is where the story veers from it's original ending posted last year!****

**** Thank you for all the love and support. - B.J Rosethorn**** 

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