The Watcher (Ch.21)

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The light shining in woke Aurora. She had not slept in quite as late as yesterday. Rounding eight o'clock, Aurora stretched out in bed. It really was just too comfy. Looking over to the nightside table she finds a note has been placed there again. Missing the breakfast this morning though.


Sorry but my attention is required with business again this morning.

Please order some breakfast – Just press 1

See you after lunch

Xavier Wolfe.

Aurora's anger from last night reignites when she reads the letter. It seemed to be all about control with him, like someone else she knows. Aurora was feeling like home all over again. Sure she was 'free', she could go 'out' and she wasn't held to her fathers schedule but in other ways. He was controlling her housing, income, food and now sexual pleasure. In some ways this felt worse.

"Like damn" Aurora said out loud.

Getting up from the bed in a huff Aurora made her way to the dresser. Throwing on some shorts and this unique silk shirt she got with Eliza she headed to the bathroom. Quickly she went through her morning routine. Braiding her hair she found she was quite liking the shorter length. It just seemed more manageable.

Storming towards the door, She opened it and expected to see Conan like the day prior. Instead a bulky but small man stood there jumping at her presence. Shock reflected through Aurora, almost loosing her ambition to follow through.

"Hello" she spoke

Hello Miss King" he responded professionally. "My name is T.J I'll be with you this morning.

"Where did Conan go? Aurora asked point blank.

"He was required by Xavier" he said sternly.

"Well I want to go out for breakfast" Aurora told him earnestly.

"The plan was that you would order in" he answer didn't give any finalities.

"The plan has changed" walking past him she tried to stay brave. This now seemed bigger than her earlier anger. Was she allowed to leave or was his letter more than a suggestion?

Maybe she was overreacting and being irrational. Acting out in a situation that was hitting so many triggers within her trauma filled brain. Deep inside she just needed to be able to go out now more than before.

Continuing to the elevator the guard T.J followed Aurora. He was quick to call Mr. Wolfe and get further instruction. "Miss King, Please I have to ask first". T.J calling after Aurora only made it feel more like she wasn't aloud. Aurora felt weak like the walls were coming in on her.

"T.J" Xavier answered.

"Boss – She want to go out for breakfast" He speaks into the phone. Aurora is doing her best at deep breaths. The elevator is not coming quick enough for her liking"

"I'd prefer she eat in" his answer leaving room.

"She is already at the elevator" T.J responded. "In" he corrected as she stepped in.

Aurora could only hear T'J's side but she had decided she was not going to take no for an answer. She needed out, it felt like the only thing that could reset her breaking mind.

"I think I should talk to her instead" Mr. Wolfe answer T.J.

"Just a moment sir"

Aurora was hot, dizzy and shaky. Aurora felt she would pass out any moment. The saving grace was the opening of the elevator doors, she could see the glass doors out to the street. Almost there she thought.

"Miss. King. For you" T.J was handing Aurora his cellphone.

Aurora grabbed the phone with what little coordination she had left. She knew who it was she also knew what he wanted. Aurora was fed up, she was so close yet so far away. Looking out to the street she felt a wave of determination.

"I'm going out for breakfast" she said showing how unwell she felt.

Immediately taking the phone away from her ear she passed it to T.J "Hang up please – I'd do it but I don't know how". Her voice still failing her she continued forward.

"It's ok T'J, let her do what she wants- Watch her though she doesn't sound good." Xavier spoke to firm but soft.

"Understood" T.J hung up and followed Aurora closely as she made it out of the building.

Taking a second Aurora slumped onto the side of the hotel. She needs a breather after whatever that was. Her body was against her, it wanted to give up, fall to the ground at some unknown force that paralyzed all my nerves. Aurora wouldn't know what it was, she was but a naïve girl with no more than basic teachings.

Aurora thought herself. She was out, no one said no. The world didn't end and no one is hurting her. Calming breaths helped center her as she came down. This was different, Jayme and his rule weren't coming back and Xavier wasn't going to do that same.

"Where can we get breakfast around her" she asked shyly.

"One just down there" T.J said pointing down the street.

"Can we go there?" T.J was shocked by the change. She seems so much more docile and submissive now.

"Follow me"

Aurora eats in silence. No matter how trivial this was a victory for her. The place he picked is a local bakery with food service. It is quaint little place tucked into the large city.

T.J doesn't eat with her just has a coffee. His job is to watch over her. Preferable he would be with the Xavier but he want his best on it. Since he now requires his first and second on the McDougal hunt it was his duty.

Finishes Aurora slowly drank her coffee. Waiting it out just a little while longer. She wasn't quite ready to return to hotel. Something about being out in the world just felt so right. Aurora order something called a strudel the staff said it would go great with the coffee.

To anyone else they blended into the background. A million scenarios could explain their outing. There was one set of eyes that was watching this unnoticeable breakfast.

Watching from an alley across the way they took in Aurora's subtle movements. The way she wouldn't meet the mans eyes or the server for that matter. How she would sit in a rigid straight format until she got lost in thought. Than she would slouch as her face gets the far away look in it.

Aurora loved to stare out the window into the street, she love the beauty in the simplicities of peoples days. She wondered about things like where they were going? What their life was like?

This angle gave the watcher the perfect angle to look at her astounding face. The smile that come with positive thoughts. Her eyes reflecting the sun looking almost ice blue.

Aurora couldn't hold off any longer, she finally spoke signaling to T.J they could return to the hotel. He made quick work of paying the bill and leading Aurora back to the room. They didn't talk, Aurora had felt a different repour with Conan yesterday. Not that she didn't like T.J it was more that she didn't know him.

The person in the shadows took this opportunity to follow. Staying out of sight and unknown wasn't hard in the city. One may think different but you blend in a city street. Nothing to define you, no unique feature and you become one of the forgotten.

They watched Aurora and T.J enter the hotel, observed the detail on sight. Standing for a minute a plot was thought out. Walking away unknown, unseen, like a ghost they were gone. 

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