Decisions (Ch.6)

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When she emerged from the room not ten minutes later, she looked refreshed and unfazed by the previous news. Shawn looked her over amazed at her composure. Aurora however did not feel nearly as confident, she kept slow breathing in hopes to keep the anxiety at bay. Terrified somehow Russell would know the whole plan, like one of her novels. Thinking about it she realised she did not even know the plan, she stopped on the stairs fear building. Shawn placed a comforting hand on her shoulder "Take a breath" he barely spoke as he squeezed her for reassurance.

Never dealing with anything outside of Jayme and the house she was out of her element. This support and friendship from Shawn was confusing. Calming but confusing. They continued on their way, Shawn returning to being just a shadow.

Entering the room, Aurora noted she was the last to be seated to lunch. Eliza, Kurt and Russell all sat looking up at her, the tension in the room was palpable. Hustling to her seat Aurora fumbled an apology for making them wait.

"Don't make a habit of wasting our time" Russell's voice was husky and his grin unbearable.

"Yes sir" Aurora eyes dropped.

Just like breakfast once Aurora seated the lunch procession began. Staff and waiters filled the room in a flurry of motion. Aurora was hypnotised by their movements not paying mind to the eyes watching her like a lion his prey.

Aurora kept to what she knew while eating lunch, cautious, courteous and submissive behavior. Lunch was a delicious setting of a homemade hearty soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Aurora was enamoured with whoever was cooking, she could use to learn a thing or two. Taking a basic meal and bring it to an astounding level in flavour.

The meal was winding to an end and no one had spoke of anything above pleasantries, Aurora nerves were on high alert. Keeping a façade was getting harder and harder, questions waiting to pour out but as long as Russell was there, she could not say anything.

The staff came out clearing the empty plates, knowing better than to leave Aurora sat in silence looking down at her hands. Eliza calmly and quietly placed a hand on Auroras' leg, giving her a reassuring squeeze. Kurt's voice came clear and precise when he spoke next. He was a strong-willed man, always had been just didn't consider himself an evil man. This is where his brother and him differed.

"Aurora you're excused till dinner – Russell let's talk in my office" the authority in his voice was powerful

Aurora nodded immediately going to stand. Bowing at the knee she thanked them all for lunch and turned to leave Shawn at her heels per the new norm.

"Mmm" a low rumble from Russell's throat broke through the room "See you at dinner sweetness" he slithered threw his wicked grin.

A shiver ripped through her but pleasantries were a must if she didn't want to get punished. She had started to trust Eliza but neither of these brothers seemed above it, especially Russell.

"See you than Sir" she gave back, the tiniest smile on her face. Her eyes through held an array of emotion fear, anger, disgust and sadness where what Shawn could see. Russell appeased with her answer rubbed his hand together the snake like grin still spread across his face.

Aurora left the room head bowed and sulked back to her cage, the humungous room. Shawn was silent on the way back a faraway look in his eyes, glazed over as he was deep in thought. Entering the room, she did not look or speak to Shawn. Had he found the words to comfort her he would have but nothing he could think of would work in such a time. Bowing his head, he took his stance on the wall, resting his shoulder blades on the hard surface and crossing his arms.

Kurt and Russell were in the back office, it had large bay windows and oak wood flooring. A large desk sat in front of the bay windows; a large black plush chair sat behind it. Two similar but smaller chairs in front of it. A leather couch off to one side and a suspiciously large painting on the other. Kurt sat behind the desk and Russell was standing off by the large painting.

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