The Malones' (Ch.3)

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As soon as Aurora had left the house, the room became tense. Tony was still in the hallway to the rooms. The two men still in front of the couch and another man remained at the front entrance. Russell broke the silence with his hard but quiet voice. "Your daughter is but a mere part of your repayment to the Malone family – You're lucky you're not paying with your life" with that he nodded.

Without a word Tony and the other man surrounded Jayme, His eyes harden as they came closer. He knew what this meant and spoke not a single word in protest. The men started to beat him savagely, continuous hits to the face. Jayme's skin lasted multiple blows before it split open, but he didn't flinch or cower. He stayed on his feet till his body betrayed him and succumbed to the beating.

Once on the floor the punching turned to kicking, the men would keep going till the word of their boss. Kurt stepped up to Jayme's almost unconscious body holding up his hand. Thus, letting the men know to cease the attack.

"Don't mistake kindness for weakness Jayme – I'll kill you" he turned to leave but stopped. Turning back around he retracted his leg and gave Jayme's limp body another swift kick to the ribs "Aurora deserved better". He turned and left, reaching the door and without turning he called Shawn who immediately headed out the door.

Outside Kurt and Russell headed to the backseat of the car parked behind the black SUV. "Shane" Russell hollered as they approached the car. The man who had been watching over Aurora headed to their car and got into the drivers' seat without further instruction. Shawn got into the SUV carrying Aurora and looked into the rear-view mirror. Ocean eyes flashed up catching him off guard. He quickly started the vehicle and followed the sleek black car Kurt and Russel were in.

Tony looked down at his mentor Jayme, what he had seen tonight had really changed his view. A lot of what Tony had strived for when he started here was because of this waste laying on the floor. He knew Jayme had a daughter but what he saw today was not what he expected. Jayme gurgled something on the floor and Tony looked down at the lump on the floor in disgust. He could not leave him there though. Leaning down and in a swift motion he scooped up the poor excuse of a man and put him onto the couch.

The ride was silent and around three-quarters of an hour. It had been years since she had been out in the community. Aurora was so young her last trip out that she didn't hold any conscious memories of the outside world. All she knew was the five-acre lot. Everything was either darkness, silhouettes, or overhead illumination. She was so fascinated with the view, she stared out the window lost in the sights.

The lots became larger. The houses turned to mansions, turning the SUV entered a gated property. The gate was a large black iron one with the letters M-A-L on one side and O-N-E on the other. This was obviously the Malone estate. The gate closed again after they were through. Aurora looked around, the darkness shrouding her view. It looked to go on forever, the house came into her view. It was jaw dropping, she never saw something so immaculate. It was red brick and the largest building see ever saw. A dark front door and black trimming accented the home.

The SUV stopped behind the other vehicle carrying Kurt and Russell. Aurora did not want to move, she stayed seated awaiting direction. Shawn left the vehicle and she was alone again. It didn't last long though as her door flew open.

There stood Russell arm outstretched "come on dear" his voice rough but nice. Aurora slid across the seat and out the door. Taking his hand as she exited afraid of the consequences if she didn't. He led her to the house. Following them was Kurt, behind him Shawn and Shane. As they got to the door Kurt stopped them abruptly. Aurora's heart speed up unsure of what was about to happen, Kurt had swung her around, so she is facing him the speed of which made her dizzy.

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