Maple Lane(Ch.36)

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Xavier was still seething angry energy when they got to the car. He could not believe Jayme King had the gull to do what he had done. He wondered if it was safe for Aurora here at all.

Colton would not be an issue from here on end, he had made sure of that. However there seemed to be other threats to her safety here, like her father.

"Let's grab some lunch" he suggests as they take out from the hospital parking lot.

"Sounds good" Aurora answered. Her voice sounding far off and he knew she must be in her thoughts.

"Want to talk about it?" he throws out the open ended question.

"Not really, I want to thank you." She takes a deep sigh looking out the window a second. "I can't leave yet, I need to discover who my mother was." Looking to her he can see pain all over her face. "Xavier you are the most amazing thing to ever happen to me, everything in me want to run away with you but I can't until I know her." Finishing she is looking up to him expectantly.

"Aurora" his voice is calm and level. Not showing any of the hundreds thoughts through his head. "I will never stop you from doing what you feel you must. You are your own person and I am here for the ride" A loving look on his face he returns his attention to the road.

Sliding his hand over to her leg he gives her upper thigh a quick squeeze before leaving it there. Aurora let a large breath go as if she hard released a huge block off her chest.

Feeling lighter she tried to process this conundrum before her. It seemed the opposite of Jayme and all that she knew. What she did know is she wanted this kind of support and strength around her.

"When do you need to return?" she looks to Xavier again.

"To be honest love I should have returned already however as long as you need me, here I will be" Sliding his hand from her thigh to find her hand. He hold it trying to show her while he operates this vehicle that she is his priority no matter.

"Could you stay a couple more days?" asking almost seems painful to her. Body and eyes showing pain and fear.

"Yes" he responds without delay. "Always yes for you Love" he ends.

A smile sets on her as she relaxes into the seat. Xavier has put on the blinker and they were set to turn left into a strip mall like plaza.

Aurora looked at buildings huddled in to form an outdoor version of what she had seen with Eliza the other day. There was on that stood out, it was oddly coloured for what she had noted to be normal. It also had a strip of black and white squares three tall and ongoing around the building.

To anyone else they would know this to be a racing stripe. A burger joint that used quirky placement as their label. Aurora however was a bit baffled, it didn't truly make her question until Xavier parked front and center.

"Are we eating here?" she asked confused.

"Yea, great burgers. Best in town I'd say" he answers a bit of humour could be detected in his voice. He could feel her confusion, as much as why made him black out mad. Making learning the world fun is what matter for Aurora.

"Two Hands" she reads the name. "I assumed it was a kids place" Aurora laughs out loud. It is a sound he loves to hear. The freedom the flows through her in those rare moments is something he wants for her always.

"Come" he is opening her door. His hand outstretched and Aurora finds herself thrown off again. This is not the first time he has been impossible quick with this door this.

It always tosses her mind a moment while she tries to conclude how. Did she loose time? Does it not take as long as she thinks? He is running? She laughs at herself before joining him.

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