Conan (Ch.18)

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Aurora awoke to the smell of coffee and toast. Opening her eyes, she was in still in the hotel. Beside her coffee and a bagel sat on the bedside table. There was a note standing beside it with 'read me' on the front.


I've left to handle some business.

I thought you could use a sleep in

You are safe in this hotel feel free to wander

See you soon,

Xavier Wolfe

Aurora looked it over a second time, her heart aflutter with emotion. Stretching out she looked over to the clock, almost ten in the morning. Aurora doesn't ever remember sleeping so late.

After eating she took a chance to look through the room. Remember Xavier opening the wardrobe yesterday she took a gander through the dresser and closet. They were both stocked as well, it looked like he had someone move all her stuff from the Malones to here.

Everything Eliza had brought was here too, Aurora wanted to try something new. Looking through the closet she decided on the emerald green dress. It was a three-quartered sleeved and cam to just about her knee. Nothing like the dress from the Gala, if one could call that a dress. Aurora had no real experience with such wears, it has been jeans and a top since she could remember.

Going back to the dresser she opened the top drawer. There was all the jewelry and hair supplies. Aurora never had her ears pierced so Eliza had gotten some clips on ones. Playing with them Aurora did not quiet like the look of them, they felt big and bulky.

Putting away the earring she tried on a couple necklaces, so many beautiful pieces. Eliza went way over board, Aurora was so thankful for it but a part of her felt wrong about it. Choosing a silver chain with an emerald heart pendant she moved on to the rings. Again she tried them on but she had yet to be able to get the feel for them. Putting them back she grabbed the watch Eliza bought her and moved on to her hair.

It was a mess from going to bed with it wet. Aurora brushed through it and looked herself over, she felt different. She looked different like this, like the night of the Gala. A side of herself she hasn't seen. Aurora smiled at herself, as much still seemed unknown and scary she felt life may actually be looking up for once. Xavier Wolfe being in her life she felt protected and safe.

Applying a bit of mascara to her eyelashes she looked at the girl staring back at her, in just four days something in her felt different. A part of her trying to let go of years of abuse and submission.

Looking back to the clock it was after eleven now she needed to get out of this room. The note fully told her to go out and about, but she found herself double guessing her permission.

Aurora straightens up and heads for the door, opening it she finds a man standing against the wall. He is huge, she has never saw anyone so big before. Xavier was the tallest man she had ever met but this man looked taller. He was definitely wider than Xavier, he was at least two maybe three times Xavier's size.

Fear rose in Aurora and with shock she shut the door and locked it. It was a mere moment before the knocking at the door started.

"Ma'am, Miss. King – I didn't mean to frighten you" the voice seemed small Aurora could not imagine it coming from the mountain of a man outside. "Xavier placed me her for your safety not to scare you" he somewhat giggled.

Aurora thought it over it does seem likely that Xavier would do such. It almost feels like a defeat to Aurora though. She is not truly free, it was like Shawn at the Malone's. A reminder of her current situation at every turn.

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