Running (Ch.28)

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Xavier heard a faint door as he sat making memos to send out. He knew that the only people on this floor where him and his men. Now that McDougal was caught his men had a lot more freedom. He had them posted the whole time Colton was on the loose. He was glad they would have some time to enjoy before they returned home.

Aurora slipped into the stairwell unnoticed, her heart was in her throat. Sweating she made her way through the lobby. Slipping out into the afternoon sun Aurora took a deep breath and looked around.

Overwhelmed she looked down both ends of the street. She had no idea where to go or where to start. The one thing she was sure of is she had to put space between her and this hotel.

There was a tinge in her heart walking away. Xavier fills her mind a moment. His kindness, his protectiveness, his sexiness. Her heart clenched as she continued to walk without a destination.

It had been a couple hours when Aurora was so wiped, she sat at a bus stand. Asking for money had only got her a bit of cash and a lot of dirty looks. Aurora had no idea where she was going to go and what bus to get on.

A bus pulled up and opened the doors. The driver looking expectantly at Aurora. She explained she wasn't sure what bus to take. He kindly told her to get on and he would take her down to the bus terminal where she could get the right bus. He didn't even charge her to get on.

It was just shy of five when Xavier went to check in on Aurora. He wanted her to have her time but they skipped lunch today and it was almost dinner. Knocking on her door there was no answer. He knocked again waiting for her voice to flow through the door.

After a minute Xavier assumed, she must have fallen asleep. Quietly he opens the doors separating their rooms. Her room is empty, he checks the bathroom before sitting on the bed. Where could she have gone? He thought.

It took a moment before it hit him. It must have been her leaving hours ago. Jumping into action he flew out of the room and to his number two, Aiden. Knocking on his door abruptly Xavier waits lacking patience. He was about to knock again when the door opened.

"She's gone" Xavier spoke before Aiden even had a chance to say hello.

"Where?" Aiden tried to focus.

"I don't know, if I did, I wouldn't be here" Xavier sounded irritated. Aiden straightened up and looked at his boss.

"Did you want me to check security?" Aiden asked jumping into action.

"I don't know why that didn't cross my mind" Xavier admitted.

"Your stressed, come with me" Aiden leads the way to the security office.

There they watch her leave. Xavier is hurt when he sees her entering the lobby. She is in plain clothes and has her backpack. He can't help but notice the way she looks around as if she is escaping some dangerous place.

"Why would she leave?" he asks out loud.

Aiden and the guard look over to him sympathy clear on their faces. Xavier kept thinking over what had happened today. She seemed happy when he asked her to come with him. Even when they saw Eliza, she was in good spirts, nothing to point that she wanted to run. He thought about her words, his words over and over.

He sat there awhile pondering what could make her run. It wasn't till Jayme woke up that her demeanor had changed. Xavier thought he had shown her that he would not allow Jayme to hurt her ever again. She was quiet after that though he thought.

Standing all of a sudden Xavier declared. "We are going to find her. She is not safe alone in the city". Without another word he left the small office. "Aiden call all available staff I want everyone combing the streets for her".

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