The Carnival (Ch.32)

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They went throughout the park hitting booth after booth. Aurora's mood as if unaffected by earlier events. Learning not to win again as he wanted her happy not overwhelmed in emotion of her traumatic past.

Going through the booths they make their way to the larger machines set up to make a path parallel to that of the booths. The machine where larger than Aurora had ever seen in person. The way they connected seemed flimsy yet workable. The large metal structures balance upon each other with mere bolts holding it all together.

Taking no time Xavier pulls her into the first line. There is a couple minutes waiting time.

"Thank you" Aurora leans up and places a kiss on his cheek.

The simple act enough to grab his heart. This is something as new to him as her. A woman having such a profound effect on him. He always knew when he found the one it would be different. His father and mother telling him always.

Even when he took over the family business with a random bitch on his arm. They turned a blind eye to how he treated her. A little whisper in his ear reminding him that this female was not the one. The past thoughts flashing through his mind.

"Anything for you Love" he returns. Grabbing Aurora's shoulder he pulls he to himself. Encasing her in a passionate kiss.

Freezing is her first reaction. There were so many people around. This was not his room or hers. Being affectionate in public was something she had never experienced and fear was gripping at her throat.

It was the explosion in her core, it hilted the fear from growing. Paralyzing and enticing feelings over ever nerves ending. Although it is mere seconds, it is slowed for Aurora. The want clear in her response.

Xavier felt her body relax, the shock captivated her and she took longer to accept his kiss than usual. Pulling back he watch as she comes back to reality. Eyes slowly open as he supports her back. Looking around her face is red already. Embarrassed, he thought. Public displays of affection are another first he thought to himself in a mocking tone.

This was a facepalm moment if ever. How does he keep forgetting that he is dealing with such a naive being.

Catching up to their spot in line they should be in next round. The ride looks like a giant green diamond shape. There was a door that open downward. Producing stairs into the 3D shape.

Once they got in Aurora took in the surrounding. There was a man in the center, there was a electric board and poles around him. Encaged in the center. The outside walls had induvial padding lining out designated spots for the rider.

Xavier brought them opposite the door and told her to stand with her back to the wall. Starring out she watch as others got on and picked their own spot. The beat of her heart was speeding, thumping harder agiasnt her chest.

Reaching down Xavier encased her hand. Sliding her fingers into his she interlocks. Taking a deep breath she remembers she trusts him and his intentions.

The door begins to shut and the anticipation has everything in Aurora heightened. Looking to her he know she is stressed by this situation but being the stubborn girl she was she was facing it by herself.

"It will be fun, I promise" his deep voice flowed into her eyes.

Looking to him her face told him all he needed to know. He made the right move and she was trusting him and his worlds.

The music started up at a unreasonable levels. Blaring through what must be a hundred speakers. Pressing herself in the wall she felt the wall begin to move. Almost jumping she felt Xavier's arm come across her body. Her own arm now over her belly. Still interlocked with his she took a deep breath and shut her eyes.

Love and WarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora