A Doctor's Call (Ch.19)

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As they came to an obvious end Conan spoke up. "Should we do something else on the list?"

Aurora looked to her new watch before asking. It was one-thirty in the afternoon, did she want to go back yet. Aurora mulled it over, she guessed it really had to do with company. Sitting in the room alone with nothing to do, she couldn't handle it.

"Will Xavier be back anytime soon?" Aurora asked. A way to make her decision on their plans.

"When I last spoke to him, he said he would be working till dinner" Conan answer is precise and well spoken. Aurora doesn't recall him being on the phone but it could have been at the salon.

"In that case I'd rather stay out, not a thing to do there"

"What about shopping?" Conan asks. A way of moving the process of choosing along.

"For what?" she responded without thought.

"Whatever you want" Conan was just as quick.

"Books, I want to be able to read at the hotel of boredom" she joked.

Conan laughed, not at her request but her joke. "We could do that" he said when he was done.

A little shocked Aurora stared at him, she didn't actually think they would. She didn't disagree though she did want something to do in that room.

"We'll take a car from here" Conan spoke as he stood to leave.

Aurora followed.

Pulling up to a strip mall, Aurora looked over the buildings. Chapters was sitting the that parking lot adjacent to department stores. The car was parked and Conan and Aurora went in while the driver waited.

That new book smell as the open the doors could if knocked Aurora out. This smelt like a library in a way but something fresher about the aroma. The books lines the walls, a coffee shop off to their left. A zone with chairs and tables laid before the rows of books began. These were stacked like one would a library, rows upon rows. There were about ten stand with book littered on top of them as well.

Aurora was in a place of happiness, she looked around amazed. Conan gave her a little nudge to tell her to move deeper in. Aurora went to stand closet to her and the entrance. She was reading the back of something that looked interesting when Conan popped up.

"Do you want a coffee?" he asked

"Yes please" Aurora responded. Adding "2 cream one sugar, thank you".

She continued on to the next stand closer to the rows of books deeper in the store. Aurora looked from book to book and read title that may looks interesting. There were tons of others little trinkets laying about people could buy.

Book marks, pencils, erasers and so much more. Aurora looked at the rows and started reading the bright coloured signs above them. One about three deep read mystery and she headed that way.

Looking Aurora found Miss P's Mystery's and picked up a couple she had not read. She was on her way back toward the tables when Conan showed up huffing and holding two cups of coffee.

Relief covered his face as he saw the confused and somewhat shocked Aurora holding 2 books. "Here you go" he passed her coffee forward trying to cover the obviously fluster.

"Thank you" Aurora said again.

"Why don't you pick out some more, I'll grab a hand cart. " Conan walked off, meeting Aurora off at another little display he took the books she was holding giving her some more space.

They walked around the store an hour and walked out with five books, a notebook, a datebook, writing utensil's and a bookmark. Aurora was nervous and felt guilty spending Xavier Wolfes money without him being there or at all really. She felt she would have to find out how she was going to make an income.

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