your city gave me asthma

Start from the beginning

people who have bright colours that become dull at the end of the day, examples being red, blue and green. these people are more emotional, more expressive with their emotions when their alone but almost emotionless in public. the emotions break out when faced with desperation. these people are stuck with their colour until they meet the one.

meeting the one gives you your true colour. the one brings out the best in you, the best in you is the true you. the true colour is only shown the those who haven't met their soulmate yet.

having grey was boring and having red now is annoying. so stepping in front of the train can put an end to it without risking losing more people.

my feet start moving to go in front of the train but then just before i took the finale step i got pulled back. i fell on ground and got taken back into the grey reality. i look up at the person to prevented me from getting hit, she looks at me worried and with a hint of something in her eyes. i don't know what it was but it was interesting. we stared at each other for a bit, a flash of light hits for a second but only a second. i didn't know where it came from. i looked around in an attempt to find the source but then she speaks up, "the uhm.. train is here. i'm guessing we're going the same area so.. c'mon" she offers her hand. a soft smile on her face. it was a lovely smile.. i grabbed her hand she helped me get up. we walked into the train and she went to sit down while i stood at a spot.

the flash of light returned when i took her hand. i don't understand what it is.. is it important? i looked at her for a moment but then i turned my head to the window in front of me. i shouldn't bother her..

the train ride was boring. i'd check twitter every once and an while. i see my friends tweeting about how they're on a date with their soulmate. i see that techno found his soulmate.. it's him. i don't mind though, him and techno seemed happy together and they really did suit each other.

me and the kind stranger shared glances at each other. i noticed she looked at me the same why i did, with curiosity. though she still held that hint in her eyes that i couldn't tell was. the only thing i really knew about her eyes was.. they were really pretty.

time passed slowly until the train stopped and the doors opened. i walked out with the kind stranger close by but once we exited i lost sight of her. a sigh was all i could do when i realised she was gone. "whatever.." i mumbled and made my way to fundy's flat.

i looked around awaiting fundy to open the door. i knocked again. "i'm coming hold on!!" a dutch voice called out from inside. i heard a large item drop and then footsteps. the doorknob turned and there fundy was, standing in front of me. "wil!!" he said with a grin. "hey furry" i said with a slight smile. he rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand taking me inside. "the spare room is the one in the far right" he points over to said room. looking around i see the place is decorated with plants that are most likely fake and some things in the corner that i can only guess belongs to his cat. i look down and see a large box on the ground. "is that-" "that's the thing that fell.." he chuckled awkwardly.

we decided to move the small amount of stuff i had to the spare room now and eat later. even though i didn't have much it still took a while, he wanted to make me feel at home which meant he allowed me to move some things to my room even if they already had a place to be.

after an hour we finished.

"so what should we eat?" he asked. "souls" i said simply. i didn't know what was around here so i wasn't exactly the best person to make a choice related to that right now. "wilbur.." he glared at me. "i don't know. you choose you've lived here longer" i look away from him. i didn't feel like making eye contact. he coughs and smiles. "let's go to the bakery that's a few blocks away. the people who work there are reeeaallly nice" i noticed his face flush when he said 'the people that work there' i chuckled. "do you have a crush on someone there?" his face goes red and he waves both of his hands desperately "n-no!!" i hum with a smirk. it's so obvious. "i just.. the food is good let's go" "oookaay"

grey. it's boring to see now. we walked to the bakery and i just saw all the grey around me. jesus.. it's boring to look at. it's just everywhere! anyways, fundy is talking to a worker he finds cute right now and i'm just eating a muffin.

it's nice to see fundy be a nervous wreak around his crush/soulmate. the person just looking at fundy with knowing eyes but not bothering to say anything that could make fundy even more of a wreak. it's nice to see it from a different perspective.

i take the final bite of my muffin and turn on my phone. barely any notifications.


i look up to see whose entered the store and it's- she looks at me and gasps. she waves and goes to order quickly. it's the kind stranger. the flash of light comes but it's not the thing on my mind right now. i watch as she orders, she and the worker share a smile then she rushes over to me.

"it's you!" she says with a bright smile.

"yeah and it's you." i respond, unknowingly smiling. "what's your name, i've been wanted to talk to you"


"i'm wilbur and you aree?" "niki"


"nice to meet you niki, so what are you doing here?" i ask genuinely curious. "i live here i was just visiting friends. what about you wil?" i fumble with my hands a bit until smiling again and answers with "i moved here recently" she gasps with pure excitement. god she's cute..


"we could hang out some time!!" she unexpectedly shouts. she covers her mouth afterwards and looks around awkwardly with a smile. "heh.. sorry i got excited" i chuckle. "it's fine. we should definitely hang out some time niki" she looks at me with the hint no longer being a hint but with it being her whole eye's expression and then the expression hits me. it's lovely..

"you look.. wow.. you look great in full colour" she stares at me in pure enchantment. i find myself staring at her too. the strawberry blonde sitting in front of me is the one. her blue eyes are beautiful.. so much more beautiful when i can see it's true colour. i feel my face heat up. "i can say the same thing about you.."

after a while of just staring i cough and we laugh awkwardly. "guess our hang out will be a date then?" she blushes and nods. it seems like i can love.. it's just different now. good different.

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