chapter 22

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One year later....

Tessa's Pov

Well, it's been a year. For starters I lost Asher and then cried about it for a week. I realized I needed to get my head out of my ass so I just decided to cut all ties with him so that I can move on from whatever we were. I have just been working and Stella has been setting me up on some dates. The guys are nice, I just haven't found the right one you know? My teaching job is going great and my fathers company has been doing well too. Stella,Kennedy and I are currently on a plane heading back to New York after spending the whole summer in Italy. It was just the break we all needed and it was so much fun. We went out and partied, had amazing food and sat by the pool and went to the beach and of course shopped. I heard that Asher and his girlfriend Cynthia made their relationship public after I had stopped talking to him but if he's happy then it's fine right?

We get off the plane and I say bye to Stella and Kennedy and head to my apartment. When I walk in I immediately take a shower and once i'm done, I start unpacking and cleaning up. I start work next week so I get prepared for that.

Ashers Pov
This year has been hell. Cynthia is a bitch and I'm still stuck in the contract with her for another 6 months. It was like one day everything was going well and the next it turned to shit. I feel like i'm stuck and I have tried calling Tessa but she changed her number. I'm currently in a meeting half listening, the meeting ends and I go back into my office. I just bury myself in work these days and go out with Logan and Carson time to time. I get home and I make myself some dinner. How can Nathan do this to me? Just force me to date Cynthia? I will never understand it.

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