Chapter 31

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My heart was still racing from recounting the incident with Nate. I didn't even see her coming at me. She must've hidden while I was talking to Ethan. The metallic taste of blood was on my tongue. 

I barely had time to react when she came running towards me, swinging her club. I shifted at the last second and it struck the car. I kicked her in the stomach and she stumbled backward. She swung again. I ducked. She had an advantage over me. She had the longer reach whilst I had nothing. My gun was in my boot but it would take a moment for me to get it out. She was not letting me catch a single second to myself. I had to get the weapon out of her hands.

I shielded two of the blows with my elbows trying to protect my head. I hissed from the pain. 

I kicked at her legs sweeping them from under her. She only kneeled but it was enough time for me to hit her face. I aimed a punch at her nose and kicked her hand. The rod skittered away from her reach. Her foot connected with my chin. I felt a crack come from my jaw. She grabbed my leg and pulled me down. My head struck the concrete. She climbed on top of me. Her one hand pulled at my hair and the other other punched me. 

My scar was stinging like crazy. I struggled under her. I caught her hand and twisted it. She let go of my hair and I wiggled out from under her. Blood was trickling down my chin and I could already feel the bruises forming. My body was screaming. 

"Why?" I spat. 

"Why?! You have the audacity to ask me that?"

"Well you had the fucking audacity to hit me, I overlooked that didn't I?"

She lunged at me. Her eyes were wild, like that of an animal. "You ruined my life!"

I blocked her punch, dropping another at her side. "What the fuck?"

"You ruined everything for me! You spoiled brat! You could've stated so that he would be spared. But you didn't!"

"He tried to murder me if you remember. But I never had anything against you, Izzy. You were my friend."

"Friend? FRIEND?!" She kicked me hard in the stomach. I fell to the ground. My hand went to my gun but she stomped on my hand.

"Did you come back for me?" She punctuated each question with a punch. "Did you even bother to know where I was? Or how I was? Your rich family pulled you out of the problem easily but I was all alone there. I had to drop out of school, my life was a fucking mess."

I kicked her with both my feet, sending her flying. My gun was in my hand. The monstrous urge to end everything was hovering at the edges of my mind. I pressed the gun to the center of her forehead. Her brown eyes were full of fear.

"Nate was the only one I had left. I'm doing all this for him. That shitty excuse I have for a brother. But I still loved him. You understand it too, don't you? You have two of them. One is your own and the other isn't. But remember, blood is thicker than water. Always. I had to do things I didn't want to. Even now," her voice faltered. She put her hands over her face, not caring that I had a finger on the trigger.

"Izzy?" I crouched down. I touched her hands. Her shoulders shook.

"Isabelle, tell me." 

"I have to kill you. I don't want to. But I have no choice. Or else he will..." She sobbed. 

"He?" I shifted forward. "Who is making you do this, Izzy? Tell me and I promise no harm will come to you."

"He will kill Nate. He will kill me. He hates you, Siara. He's promised he's going to ruin everything for you. He's going to take everyone you love away from you. He's sworn to that."

"I can help you, Izzy. Please, let me make things right. It can be like before again." I held her hand in mine. I hoped she could see that I meant it. I missed her. "Who is making you do this? Just give me a name. One name."

She shook her head, her eyes sad. "You've been betrayed."

"Izzy, please, who?"

"It... It is your-" The words died on her tongue as a bullet lodged itself in her throat. Her eyes rolled back, her body going limp. I held her as her head lolled sideways. My stomach twisted in on itself. I whipped my head to look at the shooter.

"Siara!" Logan yelled. He rushed towards me, a gun in his hand. He was still in his rider's costume.

"Are you crazy?! Why the fuck did you do that? YOU STUPID IDIOT!" I screamed. Her body was warm in my arms.

"She was going to kill you! Look," he pointed to her hands. She held a small blade in her hand which now hung limply. 

"She was about to tell me who was behind all of this!"

"She was only trying to buy time. Thank god that Ethan called us and I got here on time. Are you okay?" He touched my face. His fingers smelled like metal.

I looked at Izzy. The blood was all over her clothes. I cradled her head in my arms. 

"Why, Izzy?" I whispered. I knew she could no longer hear me. She had already shifted to the other side. 

"Well, well. What do we have here? Have you got no taste, Siara? This one? Really? It's about time we finish him off, don't we? Just the way you finished her off."

A cold shiver went through me as my insides turned to ice. Ethan was struggling against three guys, a gun at his head. And the person holding the gun was Nate.

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