Chapter 7

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After making several promises to myself that I would not get drunk and would return home early and after texting my mom that I was spending the evening with Dad so she wouldn't call me, I left for the party.

Sophie's house was a three-story mansion with an iron gate covered with flower vines. Glass walls covered the ground floor. Lamps surrounded the compound wall, throwing golden light on the stone paths in the lawns. It looked like a peaceful place.

I followed Connor down a pair of stairs toward the basement. And there, it wasn't peaceful at all.

People were moving around with cups filled with red liquid. I recognized some of them from college. There were poles set up at places. Music blasted through the speakers, reverberating in my chest.

Connor led me through a maze of drunk people towards what seemed to be a small kitchen. Sophie sat on top of the table, wearing a purple dress, drinking from a glass, and talking to Siara. Oh god, Siara.

She was dressed in a long-sleeved black top and leather pants. The blue pendant sat at the base of her throat. Her hair was open and she held a glass to her lips, taking sips while listening to whatever Sophie was saying. Her heels tapped to the beat. Something fluttered in my chest and I shook it away. She's a jerk, I reminded myself.

"We're here," Connor announced, wrapping his arms around Sophie from behind.

"Took you long enough." She kissed him. I turned my head away from them to catch Siara staring at me. She took me in from head to toe, very much like the first time we met. But this time, there was no hate. She looked at me like someone would look at their favorite food. The fluttering grew.

"You look hot." She smiled.

I flushed immediately. She laughed. Annoyance sparked inside of me. She was making fun of me, not genuinely complimenting me. If that could be called a compliment. Jerk.

"Shut up," I muttered.

"Here, have a drink." Sophie handed me a glass.

"What is this?" I asked, sniffing it. I scrunched my nose from the smell.

Okay, so just to let you know. I have never had a drink in my life. Do not ask why. I have no desire to explain it.


"I'll have a glass of water."

She chuckled. "Sure, it's in the fridge."

"Seriously, Davis? You're going to drink water at a party?" Siara frowned at me as I drank water. I gave her a fake smile.

Kelly and Candice sauntered into the room.

"What is he doing here?" Candice said, her brows furrowing together. She then turned to me. "Aren't you supposed to be studying for the next semester or something?"

"Why would I study for the next semester?" I retorted.

"Because you're a nerd." She smiled.

"I am not a nerd!" I snapped. Siara had an amused expression on her face.

Candice frowned. "Oh right. You sit with the nerds. Why are you here then? Did you lose your way?"

I was about to give this girl a piece of my mind when Connor interrupted.

"Candy, stop being mean to him. He's here with us." He stated. She shut up after that.

"Whatever. Some people are playing truth or dare, outside. They're calling us." Kelly examined her face on her phone. Probably making sure her makeup wasn't falling off, given the layers of it.

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