Chapter 25

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"Ethan! Hey!" Richard said, rushing to hug Ethan. He told him that he was so happy that he came and a lot of other things which I tuned out because all my attention was on how hot Ethan was looking. He was wearing a black suit with a maroon tie. His hair was combed back with gel. He looked older and wise and confident, not at all like the shy good boy I knew.

I let myself drool over him just a little bit more as Richard asked him about which tie he should wear. I stood beside him. Richard went back into the closet to look for something. I breathed into Ethan's cologne and leaned down.

"I wish I could tell you how exotically hot you look right now, but all the words that are forming in my brain are not PG-13 and Richard is just 12. So later," I whispered.

He blushed and nodded. I sat down beside him and wrapped my hand around his arm.

"So where are we going exactly?" He asked. I gave him a puzzled look. "You don't know?"

"You didn't exactly tell me. You didn't invite me in the first place," he muttered. I bit my lip.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly.

He chuckled and pulled my cheek. "It's okay."

The butterflies in my stomach were now dancing on Taki.

"We're going to an auction. It's a boring thing, to be honest, and-"


I put my hands on my ears and squeezed my eyes shut. Here it comes. The thing I was dreading since the moment I got dressed. I slowly opened one eye and looked at the doorway where an angry Aphrodite stood glaring at me.

"Spare me, my lady," I begged. She stomped towards me in her 6-inch heels. I crawled and hid behind Ethan. He laughed.

"I knew it. I knew you were going to do this. You keep doing this again and again!"

I bit my lip. "How'd you find out?"

"I saw you! When you opened the door to let Ethan in, I saw you wearing that horrid, horrid dress. Where in the heavens did you even find it? It's not even ironed!"

"I didn't find it in the heavens. I found it in the corner of my closet." I shrugged. She grabbed my arm and pulled me off the mattress. I fell to the floor and dug my heels to avoid being kidnapped.

"Let go of me, you crazy Cinderella!" I shrieked. Sophie gave me an incredulous look and put her hands on her waist. She looked at Richard. "Is she drunk?"

"Not more than you, you witch." I crossed my arms over my chest. Ethan and Richard were laughing their asses off. Their laughter died down when Sophie continued glaring at them. I stopped protesting too.

Sophie grabbed my hands and dragged me out of the room. Just before she stepped out, she turned and fixed Richard with a pointed look. "The maroon one, Richard. And get dressed quickly. I do not want to see you in those Spiderman shorts the next time I come here."


"Wow," I heard Ethan mutter under his breath. He extended his hand for me to take it. I took it and we walked inside the hotel. The midnight blue dress I was wearing was so damn comfortable. It was made of some soft, silky material and had a slit down my right leg. Richard, Sophie, and Logan went up together in the elevator. I waited with Ethan.

"You look beautiful," he said.

The arrow pointed downwards. "Yeah, I know." He rolled his eyes.

The elevator door opened and we stepped in. When the doors closed, I realized that this was going to be the worst elevator ride of my life. The tension in this small space was thick enough to be cut by a knife. Ethan avoided looking into my eyes. I stared at the door. He licked his lips. I felt a sharp tug in the lower part of my belly. I ignored it and continued staring. Why the fuck was this lift so slow. He did it again and bit his lower lip.

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