Chapter 29

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"I'm bored. Let's go somewhere," Siara said, switching off the tv. It was the weekend and she was here since morning. I looked up from my book, pushing my glasses back. Siara was lying on the couch with her feet in my lap. 

"Where do you want to go?" 

"Let's go watch a race." She was wearing a dark grey sweater and her hair was in a loose braid. Many strands were escaping from it, framing her beautiful face. 

"What race?" I closed the book. She stretched her arms upwards. Her top lifted and I saw a scar on the lower side of her belly. It was a pale white line. I reached out to touch it but Siara sat up.

"So many questions," she muttered against my cheek. "It's a horse race. My family is going as well. Horses at a horse race," she laughed. "Don't tell Mariya I said that."

"I feel lazy," I groaned. She grinned widely at me. It was tough to resist that smile of hers. 

"We can take Kris along with us! Get up, Ethan!" She pulled my arm. I tried to pull back but she was stronger than me. She fished her keys from her pocket and looped her arm through mine.

"Horses!" She exclaimed. I wondered to myself if she was drunk.


"Where is she?" Kris asked, peering out of the window. Siara said that she would pick us up by five. It was almost six now. Kris adjusted her hat for the millionth time. She was wearing a purple dress with a white hat.

"If only I knew, Kris. Please, shut up."

"She's your girlfriend! You're supposed to know!" She scowled. 

"Kris, will you shut up? I'll pay you for being silent."

She threw a pillow at my face. I dodged it. "If you don't shut up, I'll stomp on your shoe with my heels."

"If you do that I'll throw a bucket of water on you."

"If you do that, I'll bury you alive in our backyard and then plant a beautiful garden on top of you."

I took a step back. Nope, I wasn't saying anything further than this. I valued my life a little too much. 

A white limousine pulled up on the road. My phone buzzed in my pocket. 

From: Siara

I've sent a car. See you soon.

"Let's go," I ushered Kris out of the house. She picked up her purse and walked out.

"Have fun, you two," Helen kissed us both on our cheeks.

"NO WAY! We're going in a limo? Man, I love your girlfriend." She grinned widely. 


"Jean, 10 million on the Blue Fox," Siara said. I heard Kris choke a little on the juice she was drinking. Siara was dressed in a blue pantsuit and held a glass of clear champagne in her hands. A huge diamond ring adorned her pointy finger. Gold earrings dangled from her ears. She wore a white pendant around her neck, which was identical to the one that had Richard engraved on it. All in all, she looked heavenly. Like always.

 Richard was sitting beside her in a black rider's jacket. Mariya was seated at the table in front of us along with Lucas and Harold. Sophie was not here yet. Nor were Mr. Hemsworth or Logan. The racecourse was spread ahead of us. Last-minute preparations were going on on the course. 

"That's not a clever move," a smooth voice said. We turned to see a man in a white blazer with slicked-back black hair. Rings adorned his slender fingers. 

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