Chapter 27

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The tiny dust particles danced in the sunlight coming through the window. The entire class was empty except for the teacher and one student.

"I have no choice but to give you detention, Siara." The teacher said, looking at the girl with sympathy.

"Huh? But I've got four detentions already! My entire day will be wasted writing stupid shit in that ugly classroom! And it is phone call day!" Siara groaned. She had cut her hair on her own last week as she found braiding them was a really tiring task. It looked choppy and very uneven.

"Watch your words Siara," the teacher chided. She felt bad for her and a little mad at the same time. The poor girl tried her best to follow the rules but failed every single time. Even though she got detention about two times a day and got sent to the principal's office at least three times a week, she still didn't learn her lesson.

"Fine," she sighed when Siara's face turned sulky. She knew the girl had lost her mother and that her father had sent her here against her wish. And though Siara was a little rebellious, she had a heart of gold. "I'll let you off the hook this time. But please, my dear, try not to get into fights with the other kids."

"Okay!" Her face lit up as she bid goodbye to her teacher and got out of the school building. Finally, it is the weekend, she thought as she ran to her dorm. Now I can call Sophie and rant about my entire week.

She pushed past the girls giggling outside their doors and threw her stuff on the bed, not bothering to even change out of her uniform. Her bed was the messiest there. Heck, the only one which was messy. But who cares? This was her space, and she could do anything she wanted to with it. Siara hopped down the stairs, two at a time.

She dialed Sophie's number, which she had memorized ages ago. Sophie picked on the third ring. "Hello?"


"I've told you not to call me that! It's Sophie."

Siara turned around on the stool. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. You know my week was so bad! I have such awful teachers and such dumb classmates. Though one teacher is nice..."

It was a good thing the phone booth was in a secluded corner of the ground floor because if anyone heard her, she was as good as dead. She went on and on about her boarding school life with Sophie listening to her patiently. Fifteen minutes flew by and Siara was still not done. There was a knock on the glass door of the booth. She asked Sophie to wait and turned around. A girl with glasses stood there, a small diary in her hand.

"It is my slot now." She said in a small voice.

"Oh," Siara wanted to make a snarky comment but the girl cut her off.

"You can have my slot, I don't really want to call anyone."

Siara looked at her for a second and then shrugged, going back to talking with Sophie. They hung up after another fifteen minutes when the matron passed by giving Siara a glare when she wouldn't let others talk.

The main reason why Siara hated this school was Sophie. Sophie wasn't here with her and it was the saddest tragedy. She had begged Josh to let her come here but no. Mr. Grace wanted his beloved daughter around him.

Siara walked back to her dorms, hands in both pockets. She saw the girl from earlier entering the same room as hers. Oh, so she's the new girl, she thought to herself.

A few days passed. One stormy night, Siara woke up from a fitful sleep. She was sweating. Her nightgown stuck to her skin and her breaths were heavy. She clutched the sheets to her chest and looked around. Everyone was sound asleep. She got up and ran barefoot out of the room. She shut the door to the bathroom stall and slid down to the floor. She let the tears fall. She was having nightmares again and there was no one she could share this with. Because no one here would understand her. She hated it here. She hated her father. She hated everyone.

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