Chapter 10

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Normally, whenever I encountered a situation like this (which was many times), my first thought was how I was going to tackle it. However this time, the first thing I thought was: I shouldn't have brought Ethan with me.

I could've managed to get the packs myself or driven the car to the house or something! But I had to bring him with me.

The five men were covered in black clothing from head to toe. They were muscular and held clubs in their hands.

I felt like pulling my hair out. What was I even thinking? That I'd get him to be with me alone for some time. And then what? Kiss him? Bullshit, Siara, bullshit. He despises me. He was just too nice to say it to my face.

I had watched him and Laura talking on the stairs from the window. She had been crying and Ethan had been consoling her. If I hadn't known that she was into chicks I would've... no, I would've done nothing. I had felt this odd feeling in my stomach, something I hadn't felt since... never mind. I can handle this, I told myself. But Ethan was here with me. I couldn't let anything happen to him. I didn't want him to get dragged into the bloody mess that was my life.

The men formed a circle around us. I could see their guns glisten in the moonlight.

"Siara," Ethan said. "Get behind me."

A genuine, pure laugh escaped me. It was a contrast to the heavy silence around us. Did he say I should get behind him?

"Me? Get behind you? You should be the one to get behind me." I said. One of them started advancing toward me. I pushed Ethan with one hand and whipped my gun out from my boot with the other. Focus, Siara.

When I shot the first one, Ethan jumped a foot behind me from the noise. The bullet found itself in his stomach and he collapsed to the ground in pain.

I was quick in felling the next two that came forward. Then I heard Ethan's shouting from behind. One of them had grabbed him and his feet were dangling half a foot in the air. Ethan tried to wrestle free out of his grip by kicking but he was no match.

There was a sickening crack as I bashed my gun into his head and he dropped Ethan. The man collapsed after that. I shot him twice, once in the head, the other in the stomach for safety measures. Ethan got up. His nose was bleeding. I had no time to check him for any other injuries because we were still surrounded. I pulled the trigger but no bullet came out, only a clicking sound that meant the magazine was empty. Fuck.

I stopped to load my gun. I always kept some spare in my pockets or boots because you can never know when you might need them. Be it a goon or a stupid guy, extra bullets always come in handy.

"Siara!" Ethan shouted. I looked at him, ready to shoot whoever was attacking him. But he was just standing there. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and another one at my throat. My gun dropped from my hand as I clawed at the arms around my throat. They were too tight and becoming tighter by the second. I desperately gasped for air. My windpipe was getting crushed.

Lucas's words rang in my ears.

"The main thing is to not panic. See if you can get their hold loose. Dean, grab her from behind," he said. One of the boys who assisted in our training put their arm around my throat. It wasn't too tight. I checked the grip and pulled it apart but his hands locked. I shook my head at Lucas.

"Good. Now Siara, listen carefully. You have to use your whole body for this. Do as I say."

I grabbed his head and threw my head back. I felt something wet on the back of my head. His grip around my throat loosened but it wasn't enough to help me get loose. I tried it again but it wasn't helping. I needed to get out of his grip, Ethan was completely unprotected. I had to save him. I had to get him out of there. Suddenly, his hands loosened enough for me to take a big gulp of air. I took the opportunity to wrap my legs around his and pull with all the force in me. We toppled to the ground together. I rolled out of the way and stood up. His head was bleeding. Ethan stood above him with a metal rod in his hand.

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