Chapter 4

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I drove as fast as I could, cutting lanes and traffic signals. Nothing else mattered at that moment. My heart thudded against my ribcage as I tried not to imagine what could happen if I got there a little too late.

The bike's engine calmed me down a little. I found comfort in it. However, it was short-lived.

When I neared the field, I saw that the helicopter was landing, its blades were slowly cutting off. I turned the accelerator.

A boy stood at the door of the copter, his dark hair flying in the wind. My heart ached. It had been so long since I'd seen Richard.

I skidded to a halt, leaving my bike on the ground, and started running towards him. It got a few scratches in the process, but that didn't matter. Getting him away from here was more important than anything. Even more important than how much I craved to hug him. Or hold him close and kiss his head.

Richard waved from the door when he saw me. The helicopter was still a couple of feet from the ground. He jumped down, despite his bodyguard telling him not to. Stupid, stupid kid. Just as his feet touched the ground, there was a sound of gunfire and the helicopter burst into flames, burning the pilot and Richard's bodyguard to death. Richard was thrown to the ground due to the impact of the explosion. He threw his arms over his head as the helicopter crashed to the side.

I fucking hate explosions.

He tried to get up, his face white with shock. The guards started going to him, but they stopped. Hell, my heart stopped when I saw the red point on Richard's face. It hovered over his heart for some time and then went across his neck, giving a clear message.

I should've known something like this was going to happen. Someone made a mistake and let it slip. I should've gone there myself, not trusted others.

The people appeared from behind the burning helicopter. The point on Richard's face stayed where it was.

I removed my gun and started going forwards, but a large hand stopped me. I would've pushed him aside if he hadn't been my dad's, right-hand man. He was someone I trusted. I knew I was being stupid and impulsive, but could you blame me?

I took a moment and looked at the surrounding. There were 8 of them, and we were 10, including me, and more were on their way. But they had Richard at gunpoint which rendered us useless.

"What do you want?" Lucas's voice rang over the field, loud and clear. We had to stall for time. My hand itched to take out my gun and shoot everyone.

"Nós matamos o menino " One of them said.

I gritted my teeth. There had to be a way. I glanced at Lucas. They wouldn't stay quiet even if I showered my whole vault on them. That's how the underworld works. There is no greater value than blood.

I looked at the dude holding Richard. "Vá se foder," I punctuated the end with my middle finger. He sneered. Another one of them pointed their rifle at me. Lucas pushed me behind him and our guards tensed up, raising their guns.

With Lucas's broad shoulders and towering height shielding me completely from their view, I could execute my little plan. I was going to get scolded for it later. If I managed to stay alive till then, that is.

I looked to my left and signaled the guard standing there. I pointed one finger forward and then made a circle with both my fingers. It may seem confusing but they understood. They passed the message around so that everyone standing beside me and behind me knew.

I crept to the right, taking my gun out. I raised it slightly. I looked at him. The douche who was here to take my Richard's blood. I will make him wish he was never born.

The bullet found itself in the middle of his head. The sound broke everyone out of a trance and the firing started. The two guards I'd signaled shot the ones who posed a direct threat to Richard. I ran forward. I needed to be beside him. I dodged two bullets and ducked for the third.

But before I could reach my brother, one of them pulled Richard up roughly from the ground and pressed a knife to his neck.

"No one movz! Or I cut hiz throat!" He said. I would love to fund his English classes someday.

I lowered my gun, resisting every urge to bash his head till his brains popped out. Forget about the English classes. I'll fund his funeral.

"You won't fucking dream of it," I growled.

Suddenly, the man's body went slack and crumpled to the ground, writhing in pain.

I looked up and saw Lucas. He shook his head in an exasperated way. I grinned and winked at him. The rest of them had been shot, some already dead, some on the way.

I rushed to Richard. "Are you okay?" I asked, checking his arms for bruises and his neck for any mark of the blade. There was a slight red line where it touched him. I ran my hand across his face. My fingers were shaking. A tear rolled down his dirt-covered cheek. I had to bite my cheek to stop some of mine.

"What were you thinking, Richard? You could've died!" I said, my voice breaking at the last part.

Get a grip, Siara, they can't see you like this, I scolded myself.

"I'm sorry," he said taking a deep breath. His lips turned downwards and he began to sob. Richard had been in plenty of such situations, but none of them had been this close. It didn't matter if he belonged to the bloodline of gangsters. He was just a child—barely 12.

"It's all okay now, baby, I'm here," I wrapped my hands around him and he nuzzled his head into my shoulder. "Everything is fine," I patted his back.

"I was so scared,"

"It's fine now. You can talk to your therapist tomorrow."

I stood up and put my hand on his shoulder as we started going towards the cars.

There was a shot and something whizzed past my side. I didn't give much thought to it and continued walking. Richard stopped and I looked at him puzzled. His face was stricken as he stared at my hand. I looked down and saw blood trickling down my arm, making branches of red and falling to the ground. 

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