Chapter 15

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TW: This chapter contains descriptions of blood and violence. You can skip this chapter, as it won't necessarily affect the storyline.

Onto the chapter now!



I love dressing up for very few occasions. Like Richard's birthday, gang meetings, and murdering people.

The leather pants fit snugly around my legs as I walked to the wall where red light illuminated some of my favorite things in the world. I pressed a button on the wall and the glass wall slid downwards. I took out the most deadly-looking one and turned it in my hands.

The handle was red, with the gang's name engraved on it. It looked like any other bull's whip, but this one was specially made to whip cows who tried to mess with me. The popper was covered with tiny spikes, sharp enough to draw blood. Wasp. That was its name.

It had been passed down to my grandfather from his father. My dad never used it but now it was mine. I touched one of the spikes and blood trickled down from my finger. I touched it to my lips.

Another lamp illuminated the figure tied to the chair. Her green hair looked ghastly in the white light. Her face was covered with sweat, her makeup was wiped away. Terror filled her eyes as I approached her. She tried to say something but no sound came out of her because of the cloth in her mouth.

I lifted my leg and put it on her chair. She cowered. I smiled at her.

"Molly, Molly, Molly, what am I ever going to do with you?" I said, lifting her chin. She furiously shook her head.

"You just have to piss me off, don't you? But this time, it was too much, honey."

I took her gag off.

"Why have you brought me here?" She gasped.

"Because, my dear Molly, you are a bitch, and bitches deserve to get punished. Don't they, Sophie?"

Sophie nodded from where she stood by the door.

"What have I ever done to you!" She screamed.

I slapped her. "Keep your voice down, got that?"

"Now to answer your question, you've done many things to me," I said. "But I don't have time to elaborate on your wrongdoings. I want to spend more time torturing than talking."

I grabbed her green hair and jerked her head backward. The chair tilted because of her weight but I kept it in place.

"You're here because of Ethan."

"Ethan? What about him?"

I pressed the blade against her throat. She screamed. The blood that flowed from the cut touched my hands and I stared at it, rubbing it in between my fingers. I like blood. It gives me pleasure to watch the people I hate bleed.

"You know exactly what," I growled.

"I don't! Let me go!"

"Sophie, deal with her for some time, I need to wash her filthy blood off my hands."

For the next 10 minutes, the howls of the Molly and the crack of the whip were the only sounds. I sat on a chair and sipped wine. It was music to my ears to hear Molly scream.

"STOP! Please, stop!"

She was writhing on the floor in her blood. The wine matched its color.

I got up from my chair and knelt beside her. Sophie stepped back.

"So?" I said.

"It-it was me," she coughed. Blood splattered on the floor. "I did it."

"Ah, now we're getting somewhere." I smiled. "Why did you do it?"

"Because of you! You are the reason for my every single problem! Logan won't date me. Why? Because of you! You're such a cheap whore! I wanted to get you back for it. And Ethan was the perfect target. He didn't even see it coming when I led him to my room that night. He was so drunk, so sad. And it took just a matter of a few drugs and a little money to get that picture clicked. I knew I couldn't do anything to you directly because it wouldn't affect you. So, I decided to hit you where it would sting the most. And it won't be long before I tell the entire college about your little crush on Ethan. I'm going to publicly humiliate you. Oh, and Logan will be the first-"

"Shut. Up." I said through gritted teeth. "Do you understand what you did? Did you ruin his entire reputation because of something so fucking small? How could you, you BITCH!"

"It's not a small thing Siara. Like you haven't ruined anyone's reputation ever."

"YOU RAPED HIM, YOU SLUT! Tell me how it's not a big deal?!"

I closed my hands around her throat. She clawed at them but all I could see was red. I slammed her to the floor. Her nails scratched my arms, leaving blood in their wake.

I took the knife from the floor and pressed it to her throat. "Do you regret it?" My voice shook with anger. I sneered at her.

"If it meant seeing you ruined? Not at all." She managed to say.

I let out a guttural cry before slashing the knife. Hot blood sprayed on my face and neck as Molly's eyes rolled back in her head.

"Take her away," Sophie ordered the guards. Even though my hands were shivering, my voice was quiet.

"No," I stopped them. "Cut her head and put it in the specimen case. Let it be a reminder for all."

They took her corpse away. My entire body started shaking as tears ran down my cheeks. I couldn't keep them in. I buried my face in my hands, the blood on them smearing all over my face. I felt Sophie rub my back. And that was the only thing comforting at that moment.


I turned on the water, watching it turn pink as it washed the blood of the little worm. Thoughts swirled in my mind just like the water going down the drain. How would Ethan react to this? He wouldn't have ever dreamed of Molly getting murdered because of what happened. But what he doesn't know wouldn't hurt him, right? There was no need to tell him. And besides, he doesn't even know who it was. Everything was fine. He was fine, I was fine. The world became a better place today because of Molly. I regretted nothing. Everything was fine. Everything was...perfect.

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