Chapter 14

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I just have one little request to ask everyone. Never do something that will make me angry. It never ends well.

My anger issues became worse after my mother passed away. Especially after my father sent me away to boarding school just so he could get rid of my 'tantrums' as he liked to call them.

I learned to control them on my own over the years. I channelized it through fighting and other simple exercises. But I lost control sometimes.


I marched through the hordes of students who parted for me. The color had drained out of his face. His eyes were filled with fright. The poster on his locker was the largest one of all. I wanted to light this whole school on fire.

I grabbed the poster and ripped it off.

"If anyone here knows anything about this, speak now." My voice was quiet but it carried across the hallway. "Because if I find out later that anyone kept even the tiniest bit of information to themselves, you will face grave consequences. Grave." They continued to stare at me. I rolled my eyes.

"The fuck are you shitheads looking at, huh? Scram!"

The crowd dispersed quickly. Ethan was sitting on the floor now, staring at his locker.

"Come on, Ethan. Move." I held his shoulders and pulled him up. He didn't protest. I made him sit in one of the empty classrooms. He wasn't saying anything, which seriously scared me. Ethan was always talking, asking questions, or just babbling about something or the other.

"Here, drink some water," Sophie said, handing Ethan a bottle. Laura made him drink it.

"Why would anyone do that? What have I ever done to anyone? Nothing, right? Then why?" His voice quivered. He buried his face in his hands. Laura put her arm around his shoulder. "I've always tried to stay away from falling into messes. My mom will be so mad. How did this happen?"

Connor patted his other shoulder.

"Ethan," I said, bending so our heights matched. "Did you go anywhere in the past few days?"

He looked up. He looked like he was about to cry. My heart twisted on itself. "In the past few days? I don't think so. I was mostly home."

"We went to a party last night," Connor supplied.

"Oh yeah, we did."

"Where was this party?" I asked.

Laura described the location. With every word Laura said, my anger rose.

"I'll sort this out, Ethan," I promised, touching his cheek. "No one will say a word about this tomorrow. Everything will be normal. Your mom won't know about this either. It'll be like nothing ever happened."

He looked at me with blue eyes filled with hope. I wanted to hold him close and make him feel safe.

I was going to do everything I promised. I'd do anything for this boy. I would lay out the world for him.

"There's no need for you to be here, let's go home," I said, taking his wrist.

"But what about my classes?"

"It won't hurt to take one holiday. Your attendance will be taken care of."

Ethan shouldered his bag. Laura hugged him, telling him it was going to be alright. I turned away and looked at Sophie who tossed me her keys.

"You know what to do, Soph,"

Ethan followed me outside. The hallways were empty. I slowed my pace to match his and wrapped my hand around his. I squeezed it, reassuringly. He didn't reply but at least he didn't pull away. I know he was mad at me. I wish I could give him the answers. Once I found them myself.

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